How HSE regulates

As a regulator, our goal is to prevent workplace death, injury or ill health.

We achieve this by working with dutyholders to help them understand the risks they create and how to manage them.

Our role as a regulator[16]


More resources[20]

What regulatory enforcement means for you

Find out what regulation and enforcement means for your business:

Major hazard industries

We operate permissioning and licensing[26] activities in major hazard industries.

Our strategy, policy and legal framework

We set the strategy, policy and legal framework[27] for health and safety in Great Britain.

We also work collaboratively with other regulators[28], agencies and government departments.

How we influence and engage

We encourage broader ownership by influencing and engaging[29] all those who have an interest in health and safety.

Link URLs in this page

  1. How HSE regulates
  2. Overview - Our role as a regulator
  3. Strategy policy and law
  4. Advice and guidance
  5. Influencing and engaging
  6. Permissioning and licensing
  7. How we inspect
  8. When and how we investigate
  9. Overview - Enforcement action
  10. Enforcement Policy Statement (EPS)
  11. Enforcement Management Model (EMM)
  12. Working with other regulators
  13. Expert guidance on risk management
  14. Register of convictions and notices
  15. Resources
  16. Our role as a regulator
  17. Enforcement Policy (EPS)
  18. When an inspector calls
  19. Prosecutions and notices
  20. More resources
  21. How we inspect
  22. When and how we investigate
  23. Advice and guidance
  24. Enforcement action
  25. When do I need to report an incident?
  26. permissioning and licensing
  27. strategy, policy and legal framework
  28. work collaboratively with other regulators
  29. influencing and engaging

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Enforcement Policy Statement

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