Influencing and engaging

We encourage broader ownership of health and safety by involving all those who have an interest in Helping Great Britain work well.

We therefore engage with those who have influence, including key stakeholders and large employers.

Improving health and safety standards

To help set and promote health and safety standards, we work with:

  • trade associations
  • professional bodies
  • trade unions
  • stakeholders
  • intermediaries

We also form partnerships with trade unions and other organisations to raise awareness and foster behaviour change.

We encourage designers, manufacturers, suppliers and educational organisations etc to set appropriate health and safety standards for their products and services.

Working with larger employers

By influencing large employers, we can potentially improve standards for a greater number of workers.

We encourage them to continuously improve as part of their governance arrangements. They can also have significant influence in improving standards in their supply chains.

Helping small businesses

We work with a wide range of partners to help small businesses improve health and safety standards through:

  • support visits
  • on-site training
  • support networks

We have reached over 6500 small businesses this way.

We also provide simple, straightforward guidance for small businesses to help them understand workplace risks and what to do about them.

Further information

Our role as a regulator.

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Updated 2023-04-25