Advice and guidance on the law

We provide targeted advice, information and guidance to help dutyholders comply with health and safety law in a sensible and proportionate way.

We use several methods including:

  • guidance that is either topic or industry based, explaining risks and practical controls
  • publications on how to comply with the law, including Approved Codes of Practice that show how you can achieve compliance
  • self-assessment aids, web-based tools, videos and case studies showing how people have successfully tackled risks in their workplace

Our information is tailored to the needs of our various users. It is concise and straightforward, proportionate to the risk and focused on what is required by law.

We recognise that small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can find it particularly difficult to understand what is required of them so we have developed guidance specifically for them.

Helping others produce advice

We work in partnership with trade associations and trade bodies to help them develop guidance, information and training courses for their industries. Together with them, we deliver Safety and Health Awareness days (SHADs) for specific sectors, for example agriculture.

Further information

Our role as a regulator.

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Updated 2023-04-25