Dutyholders have a statutory duty to control the risks of a major accident as defined in the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 (SCR2005)/ Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2015 (SCR2015). They must ensure that safety critical elements and the PFEER (Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations 1995) specified plant are initially suitable and remain suitable for the life of the installation.
Dutyholders also have a further duty under SCR2005/SCR2015 to put in place and keep under continual review a verification scheme by means of which assurance is obtained from an independent competent person (ICP) that safety critical elements and PFEER specified plant are suitable and remain suitable for the life of the installation."
Verification during decommissioning and dismantling
(Offshore Information Sheet 2/2008) Guidance on revising the written scheme of verification where the boundaries, scope or requirements for safety critical elements (SCEs) or specified plant (SP) change as a result of decommissioning and/or dismantling projects to ensure these measures are (or will be) suitable at all times. - Information sheet 01/2012 - Effective implementation of offshore verification requirements[41]
provides examples from HSE's inspection experience of how onshore management can effectively implement the regulatory requirements for independent verification in the offshore oil and gas industry