Marine and aviation

Link URLs in this page

  1. Offshore oil and gas
  2. How we work
  3. Offshore health and safety law
  4. Workforce involvement
  5. Unconventional oil and gas exploration (shale gas)
  6. Overview - Offshore topics
  7. Accommodation
  8. Ageing
  9. Corrosion and materials
  10. Offshore diving
  11. Electrical and control systems
  12. Evacuation, escape and rescue (EER)
  13. Fire, explosion and risk assessment
  14. Human factors
  15. International liaison
  16. Marine and aviation
  17. Maritime integrity
  18. Mechanical engineering
  19. Occupational health
  20. Offshore pipelines
  21. Process integrity
  22. Research
  23. Safety cases
  24. Safety management systems
  25. Structural integrity
  26. Verification
  27. Wells
  28. Working time
  29. Overview - Resources
  30. Overview - Publications
  31. Operations notices
  32. Safety alerts and notices
  33. Offshore information sheets
  34. Research reports
  35. Statistics
  36. Offshore charging information
  37. Key programme final reports
  38. Offshore Directive
  39. Subscribe
  40. The backloading and carriage of hazardous oil contaminated bulk cargo on offshore supply vessels (Safety Bulletin OSD 3 – 2010)
  41. Management of collision risk - radio communication between offshore installations, their standby vessels and merchant ships
  42. Guidance on the mixing of icing inhibitors to helicopter fuel offshore
  43. CAP 437 6th Edition: Offshore helicopter landing areas
  44. How offshore helicopter travel is regulated
  45. Offshore helidecks - testing of helideck foam production systems
  46. Offshore helideck design considerations
  47. How offshore helicopter travel is regulated
  48. Civil Aviation Authority
  49. Maritime and Coastguard Agency
  50. Marine Safety Forum
Updated 2021-11-04