Maritime integrity
The maritime integrity topic applies to all floating installations, including jack-up drilling units. The maritime hazards are:
- loss of stability, arising from collision or uncontrolled flooding
- loss of position, arising from some failure within the mooring system or dynamic positioning (DP) system.
Present topic areas of attention include:
- assurance of the integrity of mooring systems for production installations
- management of offloading operations to shuttle tanker, including inert gas and hydrocarbon blanket gas systems
- suitable inspection and repair programs to ensure continued watertight integrity
- arrangements to ensure the provision of competent, experienced personnel, both offshore and onshore
- supervision and control of DP operations of the installation, and of vessels in close attendance, including gangway management
- control and management of work activities inside ballast and cargo tanks.
- Assessment of the adequacy of the venting arrangements for cargo oil tanks on FPSO and FSU installations[40] (Safety Notice OSD 5-2010)
This safety notice highlights the need to ensure suitable and sufficient assessment of the adequacy of venting arrangements for cargo oil tanks on FPSO and FSU installations. - Flooding risk to machinery spaces of floating offshore installations: Guidelines on inspection of ship side valves; flood detection and control; inspection and training[41] (Offshore Information Sheet 4/2011)
This sheet gives guidance on what is required by the duty holder to demonstrate that:- The ship side valves are suitable, suitably maintained and in good repair.
- They have arrangements that deal with flooding incidents.
This information sheet replaces information sheet 8/2007 which is now withdrawn.
- Offshore Installation Moorings (Offshore Information Sheet 4/2013 Rev. 3)
This guidance is for marine technical authorities and their contractors engaged in design, installation, inspection, and maintenance of mooring systems