Offshore information sheets

No Year Title
1 2006 Testing regime for offshore TR-HVAC fire dampers & TR pressurisation requirements (PDF) [40]
3 2006 Guidance on risk assessment for offshore installations (PDF) [41]
4 2007 Jack-up (self-elevating) installations: rack phase difference (PDF) [42]
6 2007 Jack-up (self-elevating) installations: floating damage stability survivability (PDF) [43]
9 2007 The thorough examination and inspection of offshore cranes (PDF) [44]
10 2007 Testing of TEMPSC release gear (PDF) [45]
11 2007 Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 HSE's involvement in the design and construction process (including processing of design notifications) (PDF) [46]
12 2007 Advice on acceptable criteria for damaged passive fire protection (PFP) coatings (PDF) [47]
14 2007 Guidance on regulations and testing applicable to drawworks equipment (PDF) [48]
2 2008 Verification during decommissioning and dismantling (PDF) [49]
4 2008 The risks posed by exposure to inerting gases in the open air (PDF) [50]
5 2008 Advice on gas detection strategies for HVAC duct inlets (PDF) [51]
6 2008 Ensuring the wearing of immersion suits in helicopter evacuation or escape to sea (PDF) [52]
9 2008 Modelling of pool fires in offshore hazard assessments (PDF) [53]
10 2008 Fire and explosion hazards in offshore gas turbines (PDF) [54]
11 2008 Contaminated lagging and self-heating (PDF) [55]
12 2008 Big persons in lifeboats (PDF) [56]
1 2009 Explosion hazards due to spray releases (PDF) [57]
2 2009 Hydrocarbon Releases (HCR's) Offshore (PDF) [58]
3 2009 Tumble dryer fires in laundry rooms[59]
4 2009 Guidance on management of ageing and thorough reviews of ageing installations [PDF 96KB] (PDF) [60]
5 2009 Provision of active fire protection on offshore installations[61]
6 2009 Managing hydrogen sulphide detection offshore[62]
7 2009 Lifejackets for abandonment from an offshore installation (PDF) [63]
8 2009 Oil mist hazards on dual fuel diesel engines[64]
1 2010 Water deluge systems: Testing and performance measurements[65]
2 2010 Reducing the risks of hazardous accumulations of flammable/toxic gases in tanks and voids adjacent to cargo tanks on FPSO and FSU installations[66]
3 2010 High voltage electric motors for use in hazardous atmospheres[67]
4 2010 Managing the segregation and isolation of potable water systems on offshore installations[68]
1 2011 Inspection and maintenance of explosion protected (Ex) electrical equipment in hazardous areas[69]
2 2011 Safe operation and maintenance of unearthed electrical distribution system[70]
3 2011 Material change to a safety case[71]
4 2011 Flooding risk to machinery spaces of floating offshore installations: Guidelines on inspection of ship side valves; flood detection and control; inspection and training[72]
5 2011 Offshore helideck design considerations - environmental effects[73]
6 2011 Offshore helidecks - testing of helideck foam production systems[74]
1 2012 Effective implementation of offshore verification requirements[75]
1 2013 Application of health and safety law offshore (PDF) [76]
2 2013 Drill-floor machinery and tubular-handling safety (PDF) [77]
3 2013 Fit testing of respiratory protective equipment for work on offshore installation[78]
4 2013 Offshore installation moorings (PDF) [79]
1 2014 Training for emergencies on offshore installations (PDF) [80]
1 2018 Managing offshore shift work and fatigue risk (PDF) [81]
1 2019 Considerations for Walk to Work and Multi Operation Vessels – Regulatory Guidance (PDF) [82]
2 2019 Regulatory expectations for emergency response arrangements for the offshore renewable energy industry (PDF) [83]
3 2019 Structural response to vessel impact (PDF) [84]
4 2019 Structural response to seismic event (PDF) [85]
5 2019 Caisson structural integrity (Rev 1) (PDF) [86]
6 2019 Structural Integrity Management (PDF) [87]
1 2020 The safe approach, set-up and departure of jack-up rigs to fixed installations (REV 1) (PDF) [88]
1 2021 Structural response to fire and explosion (PDF) [89]
2 2021 Structural integrity requirements for the decommissioning and dismantlement of fixed offshore installations (PDF) [90]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Offshore oil and gas
  2. How we work
  3. Offshore health and safety law
  4. Workforce involvement
  5. Unconventional oil and gas exploration (shale gas)
  6. Overview - Offshore topics
  7. Accommodation
  8. Ageing
  9. Corrosion and materials
  10. Offshore diving
  11. Electrical and control systems
  12. Evacuation, escape and rescue (EER)
  13. Fire, explosion and risk assessment
  14. Human factors
  15. International liaison
  16. Marine and aviation
  17. Maritime integrity
  18. Mechanical engineering
  19. Occupational health
  20. Offshore pipelines
  21. Process integrity
  22. Research
  23. Safety cases
  24. Safety management systems
  25. Structural integrity
  26. Verification
  27. Wells
  28. Working time
  29. Overview - Resources
  30. Overview - Publications
  31. Operations notices
  32. Safety alerts and notices
  33. Offshore information sheets
  34. Research reports
  35. Statistics
  36. Offshore charging information
  37. Key programme final reports
  38. Offshore Directive
  39. Subscribe
  40. Testing regime for offshore TR-HVAC fire dampers & TR pressurisation requirements
  41. Guidance on risk assessment for offshore installations
  42. Jack-up (self-elevating) installations: rack phase difference
  43. Jack-up (self-elevating) installations: floating damage stability survivability
  44. The thorough examination and inspection of offshore cranes
  45. Testing of TEMPSC release gear
  46. Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 HSE's involvement in the design and construction process (including processing of design notifications)
  47. Advice on acceptable criteria for damaged passive fire protection (PFP) coatings
  48. Guidance on regulations and testing applicable to drawworks equipment
  49. Verification during decommissioning and dismantling
  50. The risks posed by exposure to inerting gases in the open air
  51. Advice on gas detection strategies for HVAC duct inlets
  52. Ensuring the wearing of immersion suits in helicopter evacuation or escape to sea
  53. Modelling of pool fires in offshore hazard assessments
  54. Fire and explosion hazards in offshore gas turbines
  55. Contaminated lagging and self-heating
  56. Big persons in lifeboats
  57. Explosion hazards due to spray releases
  58. Hydrocarbon Releases (HCR's) Offshore
  59. Tumble dryer fires in laundry rooms
  60. Guidance on management of ageing and thorough reviews of ageing installations [PDF 96KB]
  61. Provision of active fire protection on offshore installations
  62. Managing hydrogen sulphide detection offshore
  63. Lifejackets for abandonment from an offshore installation
  64. Oil mist hazards on dual fuel diesel engines
  65. Water deluge systems: Testing and performance measurements
  66. Reducing the risks of hazardous accumulations of flammable/toxic gases in tanks and voids adjacent to cargo tanks on FPSO and FSU installations
  67. High voltage electric motors for use in hazardous atmospheres
  68. Managing the segregation and isolation of potable water systems on offshore installations
  69. Inspection and maintenance of explosion protected (Ex) electrical equipment in hazardous areas
  70. Safe operation and maintenance of unearthed electrical distribution system
  71. Material change to a safety case
  72. Flooding risk to machinery spaces of floating offshore installations: Guidelines on inspection of ship side valves; flood detection and control; inspection and training
  73. Offshore helideck design considerations - environmental effects
  74. Offshore helidecks - testing of helideck foam production systems
  75. Effective implementation of offshore verification requirements
  76. Application of health and safety law offshore
  77. Drill-floor machinery and tubular-handling safety
  78. Fit testing of respiratory protective equipment for work on offshore installation
  79. Offshore installation moorings
  80. Training for emergencies on offshore installations
  81. Managing offshore shift work and fatigue risk
  82. Considerations for Walk to Work and Multi Operation Vessels – Regulatory Guidance
  83. Regulatory expectations for emergency response arrangements for the offshore renewable energy industry
  84. Structural response to vessel impact
  85. Structural response to seismic event
  86. Caisson structural integrity (Rev 1)
  87. Structural Integrity Management
  88. The safe approach, set-up and departure of jack-up rigs to fixed installations (REV 1)
  89. Structural response to fire and explosion
  90. Structural integrity requirements for the decommissioning and dismantlement of fixed offshore installations
  91. Offshore publications
  92. Research reports
  93. Offshore statistics
  94. Diving microsite
  95. Pipelines microsite
  96. Electricity microsite
  97. Carbon capture and storage microsite
  98. Regulating major hazards microsite
  99. Safety bulletin
  100. HSE Publications
  101. Science and research
  102. Charging activities
  103. Health and safety statisticsfile:///J%7C/website/livelive/statistics/index.htm
  104. International Regulators Forum
  105. Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Updated 2022-05-10