Operations notices, safety alerts and safety notices
Operations notices
Operations Notices are intended to advise the offshore industry of new regulatory requirements, contact points within the Energy Division for communications (eg accident/incident reporting) and of other Government requirements with respect to offshore operations which may have safety implications.
Safety alerts
No. | Title | Issue date |
Safety Alert 01/06 | Catastrophic failure of shell and tube production cooler | May 06 |
Safety Alert 01/08 | Flare system impaired by cooling water loss through bursting disc failure on an Intercooler Heat Exchanger | October 08 |
Safety notices
No. | Title | Issue date |
1/04 | The maintenance and thorough examination of braking systems on offshore cranes | Apr 04 |
4/04 | Hydrocarbon releases: consideration of acute health effects | Nov 04 |
2/05 | 'Single line components' in the hoisting and braking systems of offshore cranes | Feb 05 |
4/05 | Weldless repair of safety critical piping systems | July 05 |
6/05 | Testing of HVAC dampers | Sept 05 |
11/05 | Potential catastrophic failure of pressure-balanced cage-guided control valves and chokes | Nov 05 |
01/06 | Ensuring adequate safety during davit lifeboat drills, testing and maintenance on UK offshore installations | Jan 06 |
02/06 | Interlocks for drill floor machinery | Dec 06 |
01/09 | Explosion protected electrical heaters | Jan 09 |
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This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive. Following the guidance is not compulsory and you are free to take other action. But if you do follow the guidance you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law. Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance as illustrating good practice.