Site organisation

Everything you need to know about organising a safe and healthy construction site:

  • Site rules and induction – guidance on what site rules should cover and how to meet your legal requirements to ensure every site worker and others visiting site are given a suitable site induction.
  • Traffic management - Ensures that moving vehicles do not present a hazard to people working on, or visiting, the site.
  • Site lighting – How to ensure workers on or visiting site can see to do their work and move around the site safely.
  • Protecting the public - Details the specific measures for protecting members of the public on site and preventing access by unauthorised people, including children.
  • Materials storage and waste management - Guidance on storing materials safely to prevent hazards and make sure that waste is removed and disposed of safely.
  • Welfare overview - How to meet your legal requirements for welfare facilities on construction sites, for example providing toilet and washing facilities, drinking water, rest areas, changing rooms and lockers.
  • Administration - The paperwork you need to manage the site legally and safely.

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