Construction - Frequently asked questions
Includes general, safety and health risks.
- Work at Height[5]
- General[6]
- Ladders[7]
- Scaffolding and tower scaffolds[8]
- Roof work[9]
- Tower cranes[10]
- Fire[11]
- Mobile plant and machinery[12]
- Excavators and LOLER[13]
- Temporary works[14]
Health risks
- Occupational Health Risk Management[15]
- Management of Occupational Health Services[16]
- Manual Handling[17]
- Noise[18]
- Vibration[19]
- Skin[20]
- Biological Hazards[21]
- Welfare[22]
- Asbestos[23]
- Dust[24]
- Paint and coatings[25]