Legal requirements: A summary

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015)

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015[1] came into force in Great Britain on 6 April 2015.

CDM 2015 is divided into five parts:

  • Part 1 deals with the application of CDM 2015 and definitions
  • Part 2 covers the duties of clients for all construction projects. These duties apply in full for commercial clients[2]. However, the duties for domestic clients[3] normally pass to other dutyholders
  • Part 3 covers the health and safety duties and roles of other dutyholders, including:
  • Part 4 contains general requirements for all construction sites
  • Part 5 contains transitional arrangements and revocations

HSE has published Legal Series guidance[8] that supports CDM 2015 and explains it in more detail.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
  2. commercial clients
  3. domestic clients
  4. Designers
  5. Principal designers
  6. Principal contractors
  7. Contractors
  8. Legal Series guidance
  9. Managing health and safety in construction - L153
  10. A quick guide for clients on CDM 2015 - INDG411
  11. Construction Phase Plan (CDM 2015) - CIS80
  12. Notification of construction project (F10)
  13. Legislation: CDM Regulations 2015
  14. CITB: CDM guidance and construction phase plan app
  15. Planning Portal: online planning application and building control information
  16. Working in Great Britain from overseas
  17. Safety bulletins

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Updated 2022-08-10