Hazardous substances
Includes construction dust, solvents, isocyanates, harmful micro-organisms and other hazardous substances.
Key points[1]
Construction dust
Harmful micro-organisms
- Overview[16]
- Legionella from water systems[17]
- Anthrax from contaminated land and buildings[18]
- Blood Borne Viruses from needlestick injuries[19]
- Hepatitis A from sewage[20]
- Psittacosis and other diseases from bird droppings[21]
- Leptospirosis / Weil's Disease from rats[22]
- Tetanus from contaminated cuts and wounds[23]
- Aspergillus during demolition and refurbishment[24]
Other hazardous substances
- Cement[25]
- Lead[26]
- Carbon monoxide[27]