GB Article 95: The basics
The GB Article 95 List gives details of the suppliers for active substance/product type combinations that can be used in biocidal products in Great Britain (GB). It is updated regularly.
If the active substance supplier is not on the GB Article 95 List, then the biocidal product containing that active substance cannot be made available on the GB market. If the active substance supplier does not want to go on the list, the biocidal product supplier/manufacturer could gain their own entry on the list instead.
Making available on the market means any supply of a biocidal product, whether in return for payment or free of charge, at all stages of the supply chain. Some examples of this could include:
- manufacturer to distributor
- distributor to retail store
- retail store to user
All of these stages could be affected if the active substance or product supplier is not on the Article 95 List.
The list is made up of companies, or UK representatives of companies, who:
- are participants in the GB Review Programme[69]
- have supported a 'new active substance' for assessment
- are supporting an active substance as their product was newly in scope when the BPR came into force (an 'Article 93 active substance')
- have made a submission that complies with Article 95(1) of GB BPR
- are representing a non-UK company that wants to gain entry to the list
Biocidal products containing 'new active substances' cannot be made available on the market until they have been authorised.
Biocidal product authorisation[70]
All companies on the list have access to a dossier for their listed active substance/product type combination (or have a letter of access to allow another company's dossier to be used on their behalf).
The same approach is followed in Northern Ireland (NI) following the EU Biocidal Products Regulation (EU BPR). The EU Article 95 list and relevant information is available on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) website[71].
There may be differences in the status of active substances and product authorisations between the 2 regimes. Check the BPR active substance list[72] and UK authorised biocidal products[73], specifically the NI tabs.
How to get on the GB Article 95 List
If you are supporting an active substance for approval under GB BPR, and you meet the requirements of GB BPR Article 95, you will automatically be added to the list.
Any other supplier of the active substance, or any supplier of products containing the active substance, can apply to be included on the list[74].
Products that must comply
The requirements of Article 95 of GB BPR apply to all biocidal products made available on the GB market, including:
- products authorised under GB BPR
- products in the process of getting a GB BPR authorisation
- products regulated under other national legislation in GB such as the Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR)[75]
- products where the active substance/product type combination is still being reviewed
- products notified to HSE under the Northern Ireland Protocol unfettered access rules
How to demonstrate compliance
All companies making biocidal products available on the GB market must be able to demonstrate a clear auditable purchase/supply trail from a GB Article 95 active substance supplier.
Evidence must:
- account for each step of the supply chain – from supply of the active substance to the supply of the biocidal product to the user
- come from the listed GB Article 95 supplier – a distributor of the active substance cannot state that they purchase from a GB Article 95 listed supplier – the GB Article 95 listed supplier must state that they supply the distributor
- be clear and specific – the active substance or product must be clearly named
- be in English
Acceptable evidence could be:
- an invoice
- a delivery note
- a letter from a GB Article 95 listed supplier stating that they have a supply agreement with your supplier or they have supplied the active substance to your company
If your product requires GB BPR authorisation, or approval under COPR, you will need to submit this evidence as part of your application. This evidence must also be supplied to HSE or other enforcement authorities if requested.
If your supplier does not wish to share sensitive documentation with you, they can provide it directly to HSE.
Contact HSE[76]
Action for biocidal product formulators, suppliers, and distributors
Biocidal product formulators, suppliers and distributors need to ensure the supplier of the active substance in the biocidal product is included on the GB Article 95 List for the relevant product type.
For some biocidal products there may be multiple steps in the supply chain for the active substance. In these situations, it could be the company at the top of the supply chain or any step in the supply chain that is included on the list.
Biocidal product formulators, suppliers and distributors should regularly check their active substance supplier is still included on the list.
Active substance supplier is not listed
If the active substance supplier is not listed or has been removed from the GB Article 95 List, the law prohibits biocidal products using that active substance supplier being made available on the GB market.
If the product has already been made available on the GB market, for example by the formulator to the distributor, the law prohibits the distributor from supplying it any further in GB.
The law does not prohibit use of stocks of products that had already been supplied before your supplier was removed from the list.
To continue supplying your biocidal product in compliance with Article 95, you will need to change to a compliant active substance supplier or apply to get on the GB Article 95 List yourself. You should do this as soon as possible in order to maintain access to the GB market.
Changing your supplier
If you change your active substance supplier, you may need to inform HSE.
You must apply to HSE:
- to change your GB BPR product authorisation where there is a change to the manufacturer’s identity or manufacturing location or process
- for an amendment to your COPR approval where there is any change
You do not need to notify HSE:
- under GB BPR, for a change in supplier where there is no change to the manufacturer’s identity or manufacturing location or process, no action is required
- if you supply biocidal products that do not currently require GB BPR authorisation or COPR approval, no further action is required - you should however be able to demonstrate your compliance with GB Article 95 if challenged by enforcement authorities
Open invitations and suspended entries
Under certain circumstances HSE may open an invitation for companies to notify HSE that they want to take over the role of participant for an active substance/product type combination in the GB Review Programme. Our guidance on open invitations and notifications[77] includes information on how to submit a notification by the given deadline and links to current open invitations (PDF) [78].
For the entire duration that an active substance is going through the open invitation process in GB (including the dossier submission step) it’s suspended from the GB Article 95 List and Article 95 no longer applies. While the active substance is suspended it is moved to the suspended entries tab on the list.
After a successful open invitation period including submission and validation of the dossier, Article 95 applies again and all suppliers go back onto the list. There is a period of 12 months for additional Article 95 suppliers to resubmit data/letters of access to HSE if required, this will be specified on the list. If no submission is made within this time period the supplier will be removed from the list.
If the open invitation process is not successful the active substance is no longer supported in the GB Review Programme and is awaiting a non-approval decision. GB Article 95 does not apply during this time and entries will remain on the ‘suspended entries’ tab of the list. Once a non-approval decision is taken, suppliers will be moved to the ‘removed entries’ tab of the list and products must be phased off the market.
Removal from the GB Article 95 List
Entries may be removed from the list for the following reasons:
If an active substance approval has expired (for example, because no renewal application was submitted) it can no longer be used in biocidal products of the relevant product type.
If the application for active substance approval has been withdrawn by the applicant, it can no longer be used in biocidal products of the relevant product type.
Supplier request
If a supplier requests to be removed from the GB Article 95 List, biocidal products containing this source of active substance in the relevant product type do not comply with GB Article 95 requirements.
Not approved
If an active substance is not approved for use in biocidal products of the listed product types in GB following a non-approval decision it will be removed from the list once any relevant phase out period has expired.
Transitional requirements not met
The supplier has not met the transitional requirements (data and establishment). Biocidal products containing this source of active substance in the relevant product type do not comply with GB Article 95 requirements.