Open invitations and notifications
Open invitations
HSE opens an invitation for companies to take over the role of participant for an active substance/product type combination in the GB Review Programme[67] when:
- the person, company or task force/consortium currently supporting the active substance (the participant) decides to withdraw their support
- an active substance is redefined (where, during the evaluation, it becomes clear that the identity of the substance being evaluated does not entirely match the substance that was initially supported and therefore it may not be appropriate to apply the conclusions of such an evaluation to the substance as it was initially identified)
- a person, company or task force/consortium makes a declaration of interest (to add an active substance/product type combination to the GB Review Programme where certain criteria can be met), and that declaration of interest is declared compliant by HSE
Current list of open invitations (PDF) [68]
If you want to support one of the active substances that is up for open invitation, submit a notification to HSE by the deadline indicated in the table.
Find out how to notify HSE[69]
After receiving your notification HSE will:
- conduct a brief initial check of the notification
- request the required fees
- decide whether the notification is compliant
- where necessary request any additional information
- inform you of the outcome
Compliant notification submitted
HSE will:
- provide you with confirmation that your notification is compliant
- update the list of compliant notifications (PDF) [70]
- update the GB List of Active Substances[71]
You should submit a full active substance dossier[72] by the deadline indicated in the table - typically within 2 years of the date your notification is confirmed as compliant
See the current list of compliant notifications (PDF) [73].
Non-compliant notification submitted
HSE will:
- reject the notification
- update the list of non-compliant notifications (PDF) [74]
- update the GB List of Active Substances[75] and the GB Article 95 List[76], where relevant
- publish a non-approval decision for the active substance/product type combination, where relevant
- after the non-approval decision, again update the GB List of Active Substances[77] and the GB Article 95 List[78], where relevant
You should:
- inform your customers of the decision
- take note of the non-approval decision and ensure you remove from the market any products containing the active substance in the relevant product type within the timeframe specified in the non-approval decision, or as indicated by HSE when you are informed the notification was not compliant
No notification submitted
HSE will:
- update the list of non-compliant notifications (PDF) [79]
- update the GB List of Active Substances[80] and the GB Article 95 List[81], where relevant
- publish a non-approval decision for the active substance/product type combination
- after the non-approval decision, again update the GB List of Active Substances[82] and the GB Article 95 List[83], where relevant
You should:
- inform your customers of the decision if you are a supplier of the active substance
- take note of the non-approval decision and ensure you remove from the market any products containing the active substance in the relevant product type within the timeframe specified in the non-approval decision, or as indicated by HSE
See the current list of non-compliant notifications (PDF) [84].
Dossier submission
Dossier submitted
After receiving your dossier HSE will:
- request the required fees
- perform a validation of the dossier
- where necessary request any additional information
- inform you of the outcome
If the submitted dossier is found to be acceptable HSE will then:
- update the GB List of Active Substances[85] and the GB Article 95 List[86]
- put back other suppliers on the GB Article 95 List[87] with possible requirements to submit further information
- evaluate the dossier according to the time-frames of the GB Review Programme
More information on the active substance evaluation process[88]
If the required fees are not paid, or the dossier is not successfully validated, a non-approval decision will be published for the active substance/product type combination. After the non-approval decision HSE will again update the GB List of Active Substances[89] and the GB Article 95 List[90], where relevant.
Any products containing the active substance in the relevant product type must be removed from the market within the timeframe specified in the non-approval decision.
No dossier submitted
If a dossier is not submitted by the deadline indicated in the table, a non-approval decision will be published for the active substance/product type combination. After the non-approval decision HSE will again update the GB List of Active Substances[91] and the GB Article 95 List[92], where relevant.
Any products containing the active substance in the relevant product type must be removed from the market within the timeframe specified in the non-approval decision.