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Biocides resources


Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR)

GB Biocidal Products Regulation (GB BPR)


Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR)

  • COPR approval (.docx) [72] - Use this form to apply for product approval under COPR
  • R&D (.docx) [73] - Use this form to apply to HSE for an experimental permit under COPR

GB Biocidal Products Regulation (GB BPR)

  • Active Substance (.docx) [74] - Use this application form to apply for active substance approval under GB BPR
  • Article 95 (.docx) [75] - Use this application form to apply to get on the GB Article 95 List
  • Declaration of Interest (.docx) [76] - Use this application form to declare your interest in supporting an active substance in the GB Review Programme
  • Essential Use (.docx) [77] - Use this application form to apply for an essential use authorisation for a biocidal product under GB BPR
  • Notification (.docx) [78] - Use this application form to notify your intention to support an active substance in the GB Review Programme
  • Product (.docx) [79] - Use this application form to apply for product / product family authorisation / amendment under the GB BPR
  • R&D (.docx) [80] - Use this form to notify HSE about experimental testing under GB BPR
  • Data Sharing (.docx) [81] - Use this form to ask HSE if equivalent vertebrate tests or studies have already been conducted
  • Data Access (.docx) [82] - Use this form to request to refer to data if you have not been able to reach an agreement with the data owner
  • Last resort justification (.docx) [83] - Use this form to consult HSE on the appropriateness of a last resort justification before you commence testing on vertebrates
  • Critical Situation Permit (.docx) [84] - Use this form to apply for a critical situation permit for a biocidal product under GB BPR
  • Unfettered access notification form (.docx) [85] - Use this form to notify HSE about putting your NI authorised biocidal product on the GB market


GB Biocidal Products Regulation (GB BPR)

The law

Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR)

GB Biocidal Products Regulation (GB BPR)

Consolidated versions of the GB biocides laws are not currently available.

To assist our stakeholders in complying with their duties, the pages of the HSE biocides website outline the provisions and duties of GB biocides law.

If you want to read the laws, you will need to consult both the relevant EU law and the UK laws that amend it.

The following list of EU biocides regulations have been copied into GB law:

Please note that any changes made to the above EU laws after 31 December 2020 are not applicable in GB.

The UK laws that amend the retained EU biocides laws listed above and ensure that they can operate effectively in GB are:

The CMGO Regs 2019 and 2020 also amend the following existing UK regulations to enable them to operate effectively alongside the retained EU regulations listed above:


There are a range of leaflets available[104] to download, covering different aspects of biocide safety and use.



GB Biocidal Products Regulation (GB BPR)


Provides links[114] to other government departments, the European Union and trade associations' websites.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Biocides
  2. Biocides: Introduction
  3. Overview
  4. Biocides: active substance status
  5. Importing and exporting
  6. Certificates of Free Sale and Export Statements
  7. Treated articles
  8. Monitoring traps
  9. Article 3(3) decisions on scope
  10. In situ generation
  11. Get product on UK market
  12. Overview
  13. Honey bees
  14. Rodenticides
  15. Reporting exposure
  16. Biocides enforcement
  17. Authorities and activities
  18. Overview
  19. UK Review Programme
  20. Active substances: How to apply
  21. Simplified active substances
  22. The GB List of Active Substances
  23. GB Article 95: The basics
  24. GB Article 95: How to apply
  25. The GB Article 95 List
  26. Technical equivalence of an active substance
  27. Overview
  28. National authorisation
  29. Simplified authorisation
  30. Same biocidal product authorisation
  31. Change or cancel a biocidal product authorisation
  32. Renew an existing product authorisation
  33. Research and development
  34. Essential use authorisation
  35. Critical situation permits
  36. Food and feed derogations
  37. Unfettered access notification
  38. Overview
  39. Advertisement requirements
  40. Packaging and labelling requirements
  41. Record keeping
  42. Informing NPIS
  43. Overview
  44. Access to documents: Biocidal active substances and products
  45. Data sharing in GB
  46. Vertebrate testing
  47. GB BPR fees
  48. Biocides regulations
  49. Northern Ireland
  50. Existing products: Transfer to GB BPR
  51. Existing NI products: transfer to EU BPR
  52. Overview
  53. COPR approval: how to apply
  54. COPR product approval types
  55. COPR approved products
  56. COPR fees
  57. COPR labelling
  58. Conditions of approval
  59. Open invitations and notifications
  60. Consultations and surveys
  61. Consultations: Submitting information
  62. Overview
  63. Glossary
  64. Useful links
  65. Contact
  66. Service standards
  67. Temporary changes to GB biocides application processing times
  68. COPR approved biocidal products
  69. The GB List of Active Substances
  70. The GB Article 95 List
  71. UK authorised biocidal products overview
  72. COPR approval
  73. R&D
  74. Active Substance
  75. Article 95
  76. Declaration of Interest
  77. Essential Use
  78. Notification
  79. Product
  80. R&D
  81. Data Sharing
  82. Data Access
  83. Last resort justification
  84. Critical Situation Permit
  85. Unfettered access notification form
  86. Fact sheets - ‘Working with biocides after Brexit: actions and deadlines’
  87. Guidance on information requirements
  88. ECHA Biocides Submission Manuals
  89. Guidance and training on IUCLID
  90. Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 (COPR)
  91. The Control of Pesticides (Amendment) Regulations 1997
  92. Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (FEPA)
  93. Pesticides (Fees and Enforcement) Act 1989
  94. Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)
  95. Changes Regulation
  96. Same Biocidal Products Regulation
  97. Review Regulation
  98. Amending Annex I
  99. Chemicals (Health and Safety) and Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
  100. Chemicals (Health and Safety) and Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) (Amendment etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020
  101. Biocidal Products (Health and Safety) (Amendment and Transitional Provision etc.) Regulations 2024
  102. The Biocidal Products and Chemicals (Appointment of Authorities and Enforcement) Regulations 2013
  103. The Health and Safety and Nuclear (Fees) Regulations 2022
  104. range of leaflets available
  105. Control of substances hazardous to health (Fifth edition) - The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended). Approved code of practice and guidance
  106. Fumigation: Health and safety guidance for employers and technicians carrying out fumigation operations
  107. Active Substance Draft Risk Assessment Report (RAR)
  108. National Authorisation Product Assessment Report (PAR)
  109. Simplified Authorisation Product Assessment Report (PAR)
  110. Single Biocidal Product Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC)
  111. Biocidal Product Family Meta Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC)
  112. Reference List of Studies
  113. IUCLID (International Uniform Chemical Information Database)
  114. links

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Control of Pesticides Regulations

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Updated 2025-03-12