User guides

HSE is a statutory consultee on all relevant proposed developments in the vicinity of hazardous installations and major accident hazard pipelines. Since 2007 HSE's advice to local planning authorities has been delivered by an on-line service called PADHI+. However, HSE's Planning Advice Web App expands on that by providing advice to those seeking to develop land as well as to the local planning authorities.

More information on HSE's role within land use planning

The User guides below lead you through all the stages involved in using the Web App, from registering to downloading HSE's advice.

Local Authorities

The Web App will allow local authorities to obtain HSE's advice for planning applications. It will also facilitate quick or even immediate answers to queries relating to land for purchase or development. It will allow users to find out whether they need to consult HSE regarding their proposed development, find out what HSE's advice would be for a proposed development and offer greater access to HSE's independent expert advice.

A Local Authority Guide


The Web App will facilitate quick or even immediate answers to queries relating to land for purchase or development. It will allow users to find out whether they need to consult HSE regarding their proposed development, find out what HSE's advice would be for a proposed development and offer greater access to HSE's independent expert advice.

A Developer's Guide

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Updated: 2021-07-13