Fire safety and planning

HSE is a statutory consultee for planning applications that involve or may involve a relevant building[1].

This change will help to make sure that fire safety issues relevant to land use planning are considered by applicants and decision makers. It's the first part of wider changes to the building safety[2] regime.

Pre-application advice for developers

Before you submit your planning application to your local planning authority, you can ask us for advice about fire safety matters relevant to your planning application if it will come under planning gateway one[3].

We do not carry out a full assessment of the fire statement before you submit it with your planning application.

We cannot advise on or discuss other aspects of your planning application. You may also need to seek advice through HSE's Planning Advice Web App[4] or from other relevant statutory consultees[5].

We cannot give advice on compliance with the building regulations. You will need to contact your own building control body.

Before you contact us

Read the guidance from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities:

If you need further advice, email: We aim to respond within 21 days.

Local planning authorities should also use the same email address to submit or discuss an application. Please include an application reference, if you have one.

Email bulletins

Stay up-to-date on the building safety changes: subscribe to our free email bulletin[8].

Link URLs in this page

  1. relevant building
  2. building safety
  3. planning gateway one
  4. HSE's Planning Advice Web App
  5. statutory consultees
  6. Fire safety and high-rise residential buildings (from 1 August 2021)
  7. Planning application and fire statement forms
  8. subscribe to our free email bulletin
  9. HSE's Planning Advice Web App
  10. Planning Practice Guidance (Hazardous substances)
  11. Legislation: CDM Regulations 2015
  12. Planning Portal: online planning application and building control information
  13. COMAH
  14. Seveso
  15. Land Use Planning - Nuclear (ONR)
  16. Enforcement action

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Updated: 2025-02-19