DNS (Planning (Wales) Act 2015)
What is a DNS?
Under The Planning (Wales) Act 2015, developments of national significance (DNSs) are planning applications considered to be of the greatest significance to Wales because of their potential benefit and impact.
Certain thresholds and criteria need to be met, before a project can qualify as a DNS. This information can be found in the Developments of National Significance (Specified Criteria and Prescribed Secondary Consents) (Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended).
As of 1 April 2019, the DNS thresholds related to generating stations were extended. All energy generation projects of between 10MW and 350MW are now captured by the DNS system.
Under the DNS regime, developers seeking planning permission for infrastructure development which is identified as a development of national significance will submit their applications to Welsh ministers rather than to their local authority.
The Planning Inspectorate Wales (PINS Wales) is the agency responsible for operating the planning process for DNSs.
What is HSE's role?
HSE is a specialist consultee for certain Developments of National Significance (DNSs) in Wales. Both the applicant and the Planning Authority have a statutory duty to consult HSE, for these projects.