
All Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and Developments of National Significance (DNS) correspondence for HSE should be sent by email.

NSIP Applications

For (NSIPs), the designated email for both applicants and the Planning Inspectorate to contact HSE is:

Email: [email protected]

DNS Applications

For (DNS) in Wales, the designated address and email for both applicants and the Planning Inspectorate in Wales to contact HSE is:

Email: [email protected]

In exceptional circumstances only, when it is not possible to email correspondence, our address is:

NSIP Consultations
Health and Safety Executive
Redgrave Court
Merton Road
L20 7HS

HSE's Planning Advice Web App

If a planning authority needs some general help or advice in using HSE's Planning Advice Web App or in relation to a specific planning application, they should send relevant details to:

Planning Advice Team
Health and Safety Laboratory
Harpur Hill
SK17 9JN
Tel: 0203 028 3708
Email: [email protected]

Developments around nuclear sites and explosives sites

HSE's Planning Advice Web App cannot be used for developments around nuclear sites. In these cases, planning authorities must consult the appropriate team for advice.

Nuclear sites

Contact: Office for Nuclear Regulation
Email: [email protected].
Further information:

HSE's Planning Advice Web App should be used to identify whether a proposed development is within the consultation distances of an HSE licensed explosives site. If it is, planning authorities must consult HSE's Explosives Inspectorate.

Licensed explosives sites

Contact: Health and Safety Executive
Explosives Inspectorate
Redgrave Court
Merton Road
L20 7HS
Email: [email protected]

Applications for Hazardous Substances Consent

Additionally, HSE's Planning Advice Web App HSL cannot be used for consulting HSE on applications for Hazardous Substances Consent.

For Hazardous Substances Consent the designated address and email is:

Hazardous Substance Consents
Health and Safety Executive
1.2 Redgrave Court
Merton Road
L20 7HS
Email: [email protected]

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Updated: 2022-08-25