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Incident reporting - RIDDOR

This section lists HSE's approved forms to be used when reporting work related accidents, diseases, dangerous occurrences, and gas incidents.

Further information

You can report incidents in a number of ways: How to report an incident.[24] Remember to look at the forms first as there are different reporting arrangements in place for mining industries.

Further information on RIDDOR[25].

Link URLs in this page

  1. Forms
  2. Help for first time users
  3. Overview - See all forms
  4. Agriculture
  5. Asbestos
  6. Diving
  7. Explosives
  8. SAPO - Specified Animal Pathogens
  9. GMO - Genetically modified organisms
  10. Health
  11. Incident reporting
  12. International visitors
  13. Mining
  14. Overview - Notifications
  15. F10 Notification of Construction Project
  16. Offshore
  17. Transport
  18. Forms FAQs
  19. Report of an injury
  20. Report of a dangerous occurrence
  21. Report of a case of disease
  22. Report of flammable gas incident
  23. Report of a dangerous gas fitting
  24. How to report an incident.
  25. Further information on RIDDOR
  26. RIDDOR website

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Updated 07.08.24