Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

This section lists forms to assist you in providing information which has to be submitted for certain types of work involving genetically modified organisms. CU1 forms and CU2 forms must be provided before work begins. Please also send your risk assessment and appropriate fee with forms CU1 and CU2. No fee or risk assessment is required with an accident notification, CU3.

Downloadable forms

These forms may be completed and sent to They may also be printed, signed and posted to HSE although an electronic version is preferred.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Forms
  2. Help for first time users
  3. Overview - See all forms
  4. Agriculture
  5. Asbestos
  6. Diving
  7. Explosives
  8. SAPO - Specified Animal Pathogens
  9. GMO - Genetically modified organisms
  10. Health
  11. Incident reporting
  12. International visitors
  13. Mining
  14. Overview - Notifications
  15. F10 Notification of Construction Project
  16. Offshore
  17. Transport
  18. Forms FAQs
  19. CU1 - Notification of premises to be used for contained use
  20. CU2 - Notification of intention to conduct individual contained uses
  21. CU3 - GM accidents (Regulation 22) report form
  22. CU4 - Transfer of notified activity form (downloadable version)
  23. Genetically modified organisms (contained use)

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Updated 31.07.24