This section provides forms and guidance to assist you in making applications before working with explosives.
All applicants should use the latest version of the forms, as previous forms will not be accepted. When applying to HSE the application forms may be completed online. Once complete you can submit your application to HSE either by post or email[19]
Applications to local authorities and the police for licences for storage of up to 2000kg of explosives where separation distances can be met
You should contact the appropriate licensing authority[20], or police explosives liaison officer, for an application form for licences to store up to 2000kg of explosives, where separation distances can be met. The exception to this is where the licence is for a site in a harbour or at a mine, or where separation distances cannot be met, in which case an application should be made to HSE, as detailed under the headings below.
You should return your completed application form, with the relevant fee[21], to the appropriate licensing authority. Any further questions regarding the completion of the forms, or the fees payable, should be directed to that authority.
If you are unsure as to whether you can meet the separation distance requirements of regulation 27 of the Explosives Regulations 2014 (ER2104)[22], contact your licensing authority before you complete the application form. If you cannot meet the separation distance requirements of regulation 27 of ER2014 you can apply to HSE for a licence for the storage of explosives.
Applications to HSE for a licence to store no more than 2000kg of explosives, where separation distances can be met
If you want to store no more than 2000kg of explosives above ground at a mine or in a harbour and can meet the separation distances of regulation 27 of ER2014 you should apply to HSE[23] for a licence using one of the following forms:
- ER1 - Application for a licence to store explosives where an explosives certificate is not required[24]
- ER2 - Application for a licence to store explosives which are either stored smokeless powder or any explosive requiring an explosives certificate[25]
Fees are payable, on the scale laid down in the current Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations before it is granted[26]. You can also use these forms and make an application for a licence to HSE if you can meet the separation distance requirements of regulation 27 of ER2014, want to store no more than 2000kg of explosives, and have already been granted a licence by HSE for a site elsewhere that relates to the:
- storage of explosives on the surface at a mine
- storage of explosives within a harbour
- storage of more than 2000kg of explosives
- manufacture of explosives
- manufacture or storage of ammonium nitrate blasting intermediate
If you are unsure as to whether you can meet the separation distances, contact HSE[27] before you complete the application form.
Applications to HSE for a licence to:
- manufacture explosives
- manufacture or store ANBI
- store explosives in quantities greater than 2000kg
- store explosives in quantities of no more than 2000kg where separation distances cannot be met
- transfer an existing HSE licence to another company or individual (transferor)
- accept the transfer of an existing HSE licence from another company or individual (transferee)
- submit a variation to an existing HSE licence - change of licensee name
- manufacture explosives by means of onsite mixing
Relevant forms and documents:
- LP41 – Application for a new site licence to manufacture and store, or to store more than 2000kg of explosives (.docx) [28]
- LP42 – Application for variation to an existing site licence to manufacture and/or store explosives (.docx) [29]
- LP43 – Application for the transfer of an existing licence to another company or individual (transferor) (.docx) [30]
- LP44 – Application for the transfer of an existing licence (transferee) (.docx) [31]
- LP45 – Application for a variation to an existing licence - change of licensee name (.docx) [32]
- LP46 – Application for a new licence to manufacture and/or store Ammonium Nitrate Blasting Intermediate only (.docx) [33]
- LP47 – Application for a variation to an existing licence to manufacture and/or store Ammonium Nitrate Blasting Intermediate only (.docx) [34]
- LP48 – Application for a licence (or variation to an existing licence) for the manufacture of explosives by means of onsite mixing (.docx) [35]
- Population survey tool for application of reduced separation distances
This spreadsheet is a guide to the application of reduced separation distances described in the Guidance on Application for an Explosives Site Licence - Current fees – applications to HSE[37]
Applications for a licence to handle explosives at a harbour or other place
Applications for a ports licence should be made to HSE. Information on ports licences[38] is available.
Relevant forms and documents
- Application for a ports licence, or variation of an existing licence, issued under part IX of the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987 (LP88) (PDF) [39]
- Guidance on application for a ports licence (PDF) [40]
- Current fees – Applications for a licence to handle explosives at a harbour or other place[41]
Applications for classification
Applications for classification should be made to HSE. Information on how to apply[42] is available.
Relevant forms and documents
- LP71 - Application for assignment of classification of explosives (other than fireworks) (.doc) [43]
- LP82 - Application for recognition of explosives classified by the Competent Authority of a country that is NOT a Contracting Party to ADR (.doc) [44]
- LP83 - Excel spreadsheet Application for the Approval of Classification of Fireworks (.xls) [45]
- Current fees - Applications for classification[46]
Where applications have a checklist attached, you should complete the checklist and send it and the supporting evidence with your application.
For UN default fireworks classification, the application form [47] is available as a spreadsheet. This format significantly speeds up the process and minimises costs. The spreadsheet should include all compositional information on your fireworks as well as all drawings (on CD).
Transfer of explosives from outside the UK into GB
Information on transfers of explosives[48] is available.
LP50 GB transfer approval (.docx) [49]
Send your completed form to Cad.Explosives@hse.gov.uk
Traceability of explosives
Information on GB traceability and identification requirements[50] and on applying for site code identification[51] is available.
Use this form to apply for a new GB site identification code[52].
- Information on acetylene licensing[53] is available.
- ASR1 – Application for a Licence or Renewal of a Licence to Manufacture and/or compress and/or fill cylinders with acetylene gas at equal to or greater than 0.62 bar (g) under the Acetylene Safety (England and Wales and Scotland) Regulations 2014 [54]