F2508RA Guidance notes

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1 Any fracture, other than to the fingers, thumbs or toes.
2 Any amputation.
3 Dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine.
4 Loss of sight (whether temporary or permanent).
5 A chemical or hot metal burn to the eye or any penetrating injury to the eye.
6 Any injury resulting from an electrical shock or electrical burn (including any electrical burn caused by arcing or arcing products) leading to unconsciousness or requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.
7 Any other injury:
  1. leading to hypothermia, heat-induced illness or to unconsciousness;
  2. requiring resuscitation; or
  3. requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.
8 Loss of consciousness caused by asphyxia or by exposure to a harmful substance or biological agent.
9 Either of the following conditions which result from the absorption of any substance by inhalation, ingestion or through the skin:
  1. (a) acute illness requiring medical treatment; or
  2. (b) loss of consciousness.


Acute illness which requires medical treatment where there is reason to believe that this resulted from exposure to a biological agent or its toxins or infected material.


Please quote the dangerous occurrence number when reporting.


Lifting machinery, etc

The collapse of, the overturning of, or the failure of any load-bearing part of any:

  1. lift or hoist;
  2. crane or derrick;
  3. mobile powered access platform;
  4. access cradle or window-cleaning cradle;
  5. excavator;
  6. pile-driving frame or rig having an overall height, when operating, of more than 7 metres; or
  7. fork lift truck


Pressure systems

The failure of any closed vessel (including a boiler or boiler tube) or of any associated pipework, in which the internal pressure was above or below atmospheric pressure, where the failure has the potential to cause the death of any person.


Freight containers

  1. The failure of any freight container in any of its load-bearing parts while it is being raised, lowered or suspended.
  2. In this paragraph 'freight container' means a container as defined in regulation 2(1) of the Freight Containers (Safety Convention) Regulations 1984.


Overhead electric lines

Any unintentional incident in which plant or equipment either:

  1. comes into contact with an uninsulated overhead electric line in which the voltage exceeds 200 volts; or
  2. causes an electrical discharge from such an electric line by coming into close proximity to it.


Electrical short circuit

Electrical short circuit or overload attended by fire or explosion which results in the stoppage of the plant involved for more than 24 hours or which has the potential to cause the death of any person.



  1. Any of the following incidents involving explosives:
    1. the unintentional explosion or ignition of explosives other than one:
      1. caused by the unintentional discharge of a weapon where, apart from that unintentional discharge, the weapon and explosives functioned as they were designed to do; or
      2. where a fail-safe device or a safe system of work functioned so as to prevent any person from being injured in consequence of the explosion or ignition.
    2. a misfire (other than one at a mine or quarry or inside a well or one involving a weapon) except where a fail-safe device or safe system of work functioned so as to prevent any person from being endangered in consequence of the misfire;
    3. the failure of the shots in any demolition operation to cause the intended extent of collapse or direction of fall of a building or structure;
    4. the protection of material (other than at a quarry) beyond the boundary of the site on which the explosives are being used or beyond the danger zone in circumstances such that any person was or might have been injured thereby;
    5. any injury to a person (other than at a mine or quarry or one otherwise reportable under these regulations) involving the first-aid or medical treatment resulting from the explosion or discharge of any explosives or detonator.
  2. In this paragraph 'explosives' means any explosive of a type which would, were it being transported, be assigned to Class 1 within the meaning of the Classification and Labelling of Explosives Regulations 1983 and 'danger zone' means the area from which persons have been excluded or forbidden to enter to avoid being endangered by any explosion or ignition of explosives.


Biological agents

Any accident or incident which resulted or could have resulted in the release or escape of a biological agent likely to cause severe human infection or illness.


Collapse of scaffolding

The complete or partial collapse of:

  1. any scaffold which is:
    1. more than 5 metres in height which results in a substantial part of the scaffolding falling or overturning; or
    2. erected over or adjacent to water in circumstances such that there would be a risk of drowning to a person falling from the scaffold into the water; or
  2. the suspension arrangements (including any outrigger) of any slung or suspended scaffold which causes a working platform or cradle to fall.



Collapse of building structure

Any unintended collapse or partial collapse of:

  1. any building or structure (whether above or below ground) under construction, reconstruction, alteration or demolition which involves a fall of more than 5 tonnes of material;
  2. any floor or wall of a building (whether above or below ground) used as a place of work; or
  3. any false-work.


Explosion or fire

An explosion or fire occurring in any plant or premises which results in the stoppage of that plant or as the case may be, the suspension of normal work in those premises for more than 24 hours, where the explosion or fire was due to the ignition of any material.


Escape of flammable substances

  1. The sudden, uncontrolled release:
    1. inside a building:
      1. of 100 kilograms or more of flammable liquid;
      2. of 10 kilograms or more of flammable liquid at a temperature above its normal boiling point; or
      3. of 10 kilograms or more of flammable gas; or
    2. in the open air, of 500 kilograms or more of any of the substances referred to in sub-paragraph (a) above.
  2. In this paragraph, 'flammable liquid' and 'flammable gas' mean respectively a liquid and gas so classified in accordance with regulations 5(2), (3) or (5) of the Chemicals (Hazardous Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 1994.


Escape of substances

The accidental release or escape of any substance in a quantity sufficient to cause the death, major injury or any other damage to the health of any person.

Note: additional categories of dangerous occurrences apply to mines, quarries, relevant transport systems (railways, etc) and offshore workplaces.


Accidents to passenger trains


Any collision in which a passenger train collides with another train.


Any case where a passenger train or any part of such a train unintentionally leaves the rails.

Accidents not involving passenger trains


Any collision between trains, other than one between a passenger train and another train, on a running line where any train sustains damage as a result of the collision, and any such collision in a siding which results in a running line being obstructed.


Any derailment, of a train other than a passenger train, on a running line, except a derailment which occurs during shunting operations and does not obstruct any other running line.


Any derailment, of a train other than a passenger train, in a siding which results in a running line being obstructed.

Accidents involving any kind of train


Any case of a train striking a buffer stop, other than in a siding, where damage is caused to the train.


Any case of a train striking any cattle or horse, whether or not damage is caused to the train, or striking any other animal if, in consequence, damage (including damage to the windows of the driver's cab but excluding other damage consisting solely in the breakage of glass) is caused to the train necessitating immediate temporary or permanent repair.


Any case of a train on a running line striking or being struck by any object which causes damage (including damage to the windows of the driver's cab but excluding other damage consisting solely in the breakage of glass) necessitating immediate temporary or permanent repair or which might have been liable to derail the train.


Any case of a passenger train, or any other train not fitted with continuous self-applying brakes, becoming unintentionally divided.


  1. Any of the following classes of accident which occurs or is discovered whilst the train is on a running line:
    1. the failure of an axle;
    2. the failure of a wheel or tyre, including a tyre loose on its wheel;
    3. the failure of a rope or the fastenings thereof or of the winding plant or equipment involved in working an incline;
    4. any fire, severe electrical arcing or fusing in or on any part of a passenger train or a train carrying dangerous goods;
    5. in the case of any train other than a passenger train, any severe electrical arcing or fusing, or any fire which was extinguished by a fire-fighting service; or
    6. any other failure of any part of a train which is likely to cause an accident to that or any other train or to kill or injure any person.
  2. In this paragraph 'dangerous goods' has the same meaning as in regulation 1(2) of the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Regulations 1994. (ST 1994/670)

Accidents involving the permanent way and other works on or connected with a relevant transport system


A buckle of a running line which necessitates an immediate stoppage of traffic or the immediate imposition of a speed restriction lower than that currently in force.


Any case of an aircraft or a vehicle of any kind landing on, running onto or coming to rest foul of the line, or damaging the line, which causes damage which obstructs the line or which damages any railway equipment at a level crossing.


The runaway of an escalator, lift or passenger conveyor.


Any fire or severe arcing or fusing which serious affects the functioning of signalling equipment.


Any fire affecting the permanent way or works of a relevant transport system which necessitates the suspension of services over any line, or the closure of any part of a station or signal box or other premises for a period:

  1. in the case of a fire affecting any part of a relevant transport system below ground, of more than 30 minutes; and
  2. in any other case, of more than 1 hour.


Any other fire which causes damage which has the potential to affect the running of a relevant transport system.

Accidents involving failure of the works on or connected with a relevant transport system


  1. The following classes of accident where they are likely either to cause an accident to a train or to endanger any person:
    1. the failure of a tunnel, bridge, viaduct, culvert, station or other structure or any part thereof including the fixed electrical equipment of an electrified relevant transport system;
    2. a slip of a cutting or of an embankment;
    3. flooding of the permanent way;
    4. the failure of any other portion of the permanent way or works not specified above.

Incidents of serious congestion


Any case where planned procedures or arrangements have been activated in order to control risks arising from an incident of undue passenger congestion at a station unless that congestion has been relieved within a period of time allowed for by those procedures or arrangements.

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  7. Explosiveshttps://www.hse.gov.uk/forms/explosive/index.htm
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Updated 07.08.24