Useful links:
The following web page provides links to other websites relating to health and safety on fairgrounds. HSE is not responsible and cannot guarantee the accuracy of information on sites it does not manage. A link does not imply HSE endorsement of the site.
Inspection bodies and trade associations:
- The Amusement Devices Inspection Procedures Scheme (ADIPS)
- The National Association for Leisure Industry Certification (NAFLIC)
- The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain (SGGB)
- The British Association for Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions (BALPPA)
- The Society of Independent Roundabout Proprietors (SIRPS)
- The Association of Independent Showmen (AIS)
- The British Amusement Catering Trade Association (BACTA)
- The Amusement Catering Equipment Society (ACES)