The Amusement Devices Safety Council (ADSC)
The ADSC was established in 2003 to monitor and improve safety for those working on and visiting fairgrounds. It was formed partly from its predecessor, the Fairgrounds Joint Advisory Committee (FJAC), and consists of all of the major trade organisations involved in the UK fairground industry:
- The National Association for Leisure Industry Certification (NAFLIC)
- The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain (SGGB)
- The British Association for Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions (BALPPA)
- The Society of Independent Roundabout Proprietors (SIRPS)
- The Association of Independent Showmen (AIS)
- The British Amusement Catering Trade Association (BACTA)
- The Amusement Catering Equipment Society (ACES)
- The Amusement and Leisure Equipment Suppliers of the UK (ALES-UK)
In the same year as it was set up, the Fairground Joint Advisory Committee decided that there should be a limited company set up to administer the Amusement Devices Inspection Procedures Scheme (ADIPS) and be its commercial arm. This company is called ADIPS Ltd, a not-for-profit company which is limited by guarantee. Any surplus income generated is channelled back into the industry to promote and enhance safety standards. ADIPS Ltd is responsible for the administration of the ADIPS scheme, including the registration of approved inspection bodies, handling complaints, etc. It also manages the system for issuing Declarations of Operational Compliance (DOC) to ride controllers.
The Committee meets formally four times per year to discuss matters of mutual interest relating to safety on fairgrounds. The Committee's stated objectives are:
- To promote and improve fairground and amusement park safety, through rules and procedures relating to the inspection of amusement devices. This is done via a scheme supervised by the ADSC – formed from representatives of each of the following associations: BACTA, BALPPA, SGGB, NAFLIC, SIRPS, ALES, ACES and the AIS, which associations might change from time to time as agreed by the ADSC.
- To administer and manage (through ADIPS Ltd) the Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme (ADIPS) – which is on the ADSC agreed scheme for the inspection of amusement devices. This will include registration and auditing of registered inspection bodies registered with ADIPS Ltd and to address complaints against members and registered inspection bodies in accordance with standing orders from time to time.
- To encourage, promote and develop safe practice within the fairground and amusement park industry throughout the UK.
- To provide appropriate guidance and training for registered inspection bodies and those in the fairground and amusement park industry.