CDM administration for the Entertainment industry

Construction phase plan (CPP)

For projects involving more than one contractor, it is the Principal Contractor's (PC's) duty to ensure the plan is prepared. For single-contractor projects, the contractor must do this.

Proportionate to the scale and complexity of the work and risks involved, the plan must set out:

  • the health and safety management arrangements for any construction work;
  • the construction site rules;
  • and where applicable, specific measures concerning work involving the particular risks listed in Schedule 3 of CDM 2015 (ie work near HV power lines, work at height and work involving the assembly and disassembly of heavy prefabricated components).

The information may be combined with or exist as part of other documents eg an event management plan, providing that this does not result in the health and safety information being lost or buried. What matters is that people can find the information they need easily and the information is clearly identified as the construction phase plan. 

CDM health and safety file

The CDM client must ensure that the Principal Designer (PD) prepares a health and safety file when a project involves more than one contractor. This will require co-operation from others in the project team.

The file should only contain information about significant and/or unusual risks that is likely to be needed during any subsequent project eg the next event/production. The type of information could include how a novel structure has to be dismantled in a particular sequence to ensure it remains stable during dismantling.

The file should contain enough detail to allow the likely risks to be identified and addressed by those carrying out the work and be proportionate to those risks. It shouldn't include pre-construction information, contractual documents etc.

A proportionate approach to routine, standard set and temporary structure builds may simply be to say there are no unusual or significant features – in terms of its design or construction methods.

Similar to a CPP, the file information may be combined with other documents providing that this does not result in the health and safety information being lost or buried. What matters is that people can find the information they need easily. 

Notification of a CDM project

Ensuring that the project is notified to HSE if construction work lasts longer than 30 working days and has more than 20 workers working simultaneously on it or exceeds 500 person days;

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Worked examples, which include suggested content for a CPP

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Updated 2022-11-01