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Research Report Series: Reports 501 - 600





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  12. RR501 Triggers for non-specific symptoms in the workplace: Individual differences, stress and environmental (odour and sound) factors
  13. RR502 - Migrant workers in England and Wales: An assessment of migrant worker health and safety risks
  14. RR503 - An inventory of fibres to classify their potential hazard and risk
  15. RR504 - Six SME case studies that demonstrate the business benefit of effective management of occupational health and safety
  16. RR505 - Trojan horse health and safety messaging: An assessment of the long-term and behavioural impact on construction site operatives
  17. RR506 - Defining best practice in corporate occupational health and safety governance
  18. RR507 - Scoping study determining the potential of engaging stakeholders in the food supply chain to support and influence farmers to promote health and safety
  19. RR508 - Evaluation into the success of occupational health and safety regulators and organisations use of expert systems
  20. RR509 - Plant ageing: Management of equipment containing hazardous fluids or pressure
  21. RR510 - Health and safety management and business economic performance. An econometric study
  22. RR511 - Revised land use planning arrangements around large scale petroleum depots
  23. RR512 - Review of significance of societal risk for proposed revision to land use planning arrangements for large scale petroleum storage sites
  24. RR513 - The assessment of different metrics of the concentration of nano (ultrafine) particles in existing and new industries
  25. RR514 - Overview of collision detection in the UKCS
  26. RR515 - Study of the public reporting of occupational health and safety performance in 2005 by UK businesses with over 250 employees
  27. RR516 - An investigation of approaches to worker engagement
  28. RR517 - Measurement of noise levels that staff are exposed to at live music events
  29. RR518 - An analysis of the prevalence and distribution of stress in the construction industry
  30. RR519 - Evaluation of EPS and enforcement action
  31. RR520 - Damage modelling of large and small scale composite panels subjected to a low velocity impact
  32. RR521 - First evaluation of the impact of the work at height regulations. First evaluation of the removal of the 'two metre rule'
  33. RR523 - Knowledge of workplace transport hazards amongst British businesses
  34. RR524 - A review of the design review process for fairground rides
  35. RR525 - Use of chemical protective gloves to control dermal exposures in the uv lithographic printing sub-sector
  36. RR526 - Assessment of fire and explosion risks in coating mixing operations
  37. RR527 - Fluid structure interaction effects on and dynamic response of pressure vessels and tanks subjected to dynamic loading
  38. RR528 - An investigation of reporting of workplace accidents under RIDDOR using the Merseyside Accident Information Model
  39. RR529 - A study of the slip characteristics of natural and man-made stone flooring materials
  40. RR530 - AWARE: Investigation of the early warning detection system through pilot and large-scale tests
  41. RR531 - A pilot study into improving sickness absence recording in National Health Service acute trusts
  42. RR533 - Ramp testing pre-engineered wood floors
  43. RR534 - A study of the slip characteristics of metal flooring materials
  44. RR535 - International comparison of health and safety responsibilities of company directors
  45. RR536 - Evidence based evaluation of the scale of disproportionate decisions on risk assessment and management
  46. RR537 - The suitability of HSE's risk assessment process and management standards for use in SMEs
  47. RR538 - Improving the effectiveness of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994
  48. RR539 - Products evolved during hot gas welding of fluoropolymers
  49. RR540 - The HSE grain dust study - workers' exposure to grain dust contaminants, immunological and clinical response
  50. RR541 - Valuation of health and safety benefits: Dread risks
  51. RR542 - A review of carbon monoxide incident information, for 2004/05, produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG, within Great Britain
  52. RR543 - Development of a working model of how human factors, safety management systems and wider organisational issues fit together
  53. RR544 - Whole-body vibration on self-propelled forage harvesters: Evaluation of emission and estimated daily exposure levels
  54. RR545 - A staged approach to reducing musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs) in the workplace
  55. RR546 - Real time monitoring and environmental fate of oxides of nitrogen in the construction industry
  56. RR547 - A study of the characteristics of cementitious surface toppings and applied concrete
  57. RR548 - Watch your step: A promotional campaign including workplace inspections
  58. RR549 - An examination of novel roughness parameters to be used in conjunction with the HSE slips assessment tool (SAT)
  59. RR550 - Time to treatment for decompression illness
  60. RR551 - Inadvertent ingestion exposure in the workplace
  61. RR552 - Exploration of the affect of litigation culture on the attribution and reporting of slip and trip accidents
  62. RR553 - Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work
  63. RR554 - Evaluation of the mechanical condition of agricultural vehicles
  64. RR555 - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007
  65. RR556 - Health and safety in public sector construction procurement
  66. RR557 - Evaluation of the HSE slips and trips roadshows
  67. RR558 - Taking risks with asbestos: What influences the behaviour of maintenance workers?
  68. RR559 - Cascading messages through others: The effect on awareness of, and compliance with the Duty to Manage Asbestos Regulations
  69. RR561 - Better Display Screen Equipment work-related ill health data
  70. RR562 - Evaluating the feasibility of developing assessment charts for high risk pushing and pulling operations
  71. RR563 - Watch Your Step campaign evaluation: qualitative research
  72. RR564 - Fire performance of composite IBCs
  73. RR565 - Constructing better health: Final evaluation report
  74. RR566 - Accident statistics for fixed offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980-2005
  75. RR567 - Accident statistics for floating offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980-2005
  76. RR568 - Measurement of acoustic spectra from liquid leaks
  77. RR569 - Analysis of ERRV trials data from ERRVA and Seacroft
  78. RR570 - Assessment of electromagnetic fields around magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment
  79. RR572 - HSE 'Height Aware' campaign evaluation
  80. RR573 - Risk assessment and process planning for bariatric patient handling pathways
  81. RR575 - Joint study of UK medical secondary care provision for occupational lung disease
  82. RR576 - Correlation between vibration emission and vibration during real use: Nibblers and shears
  83. RR577 - The causative factors of dermatitis among workers exposed to metalworking fluids
  84. RR578 - Health and safety in the small to medium-sized enterprise
  85. RR579 - Passenger behaviour on amusement rides
  86. RR580 - Using soft people skills to improve worker involvement in health and safety
  87. RR581 - HSE Better Backs 2006 Worker involvement evaluation: Research with Unite Amicus safety representatives
  88. RR582 - Managing sickness absence in the police service: A review of current practices
  89. RR583 - Manual handling training: Investigation of current practices and development of guidelines
  90. RR584 - Occupational health standards in the construction industry
  91. RR585 - The cost of non-injury accidents
  92. RR586 - Transfer of enforcement responsibilities in the motor vehicle repair and dry-cleaning sectors
  93. RR587 - DISPOSE: Large scale experiments for void fraction measurement during venting
  94. RR588 - Testing the effectiveness of the streamlined national well being programme at managing work-related stress in schools
  95. RR589 - Work and Enterprise Panel 2: Business survey
  96. RR590 - Correlation between vibration emission and vibration during real use: Sanders and polishers
  97. RR591 - Correlation between vibration emission and vibration during real use: Fastener driving tools
  98. RR592 - Assessment of the benefits to the offshore industry from new technology and operating practices used in the shipping industry for managing collision risk
  99. RR593 - A survey of changes in the volume and composition of claims for damages for occupational injury or ill health resulting from the Management of Health and Safety at Work and Fire Precautions (Workplace) (Amendment) Regulations 2003
  100. RR594 - Social support and musculoskeletal disorders: Literature review and data analysis
  101. RR595 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain
  102. RR596 - Management of upper limb disorders and the biopsychosocial model
  103. RR597 - A survey of the use and effectiveness of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 as a legal sanction against directors convicted of health and safety offences
  104. RR598 - Evaluation of Doppler monitoring for the control of hyperbaric exposure in tunnelling
  105. RR599 - Overview of TEMPSC performance standards
  106. RR600 - HSE futures scenario building: The future of health and safety in 2017
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Updated 2023-08-29