RR579 - Passenger behaviour on amusement rides
The main aim of this field study was to produce a catalogue of behaviours which passengers exhibit whilst on amusement rides. An additional aim was to provide a benchmark of behaviour incidence levels, with the expectation of making a comparison study in a number years time to identify any changing trends in behaviour. The field study was designed in order to cover a wide range of different ride types under a wide and representative range of conditions as follows:
- Various types of venue; Theme Park, Travelling Fair (Park, Street or Indoor), Pleasure Beach, Music Festival.
- Varied times of year; visits were made throughout the main 2003 season. Some early visits were also made in late 2002 and during the 2002/2003 holiday period.
- A range of areas of the country; visits ranged across the UK in an effort to eliminate any data skewing effects
due to regional variations in behaviours.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
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