Research reports 301-400
- RR300 - Development of a field method for the assessment of the effectiveness of barrier creams in preventing skin irritation reactions[12] (2005)
- RR301 - Replacement of Radiography[13]
- RR302 - A technical guide to the selection and use of fall prevention and arrest equipment[14]
- RR303 - Dynamic tensile properties of thin sheet materials[15]
- RR304 - Safety implications of European risk based inspection and maintenance methodology[16]
- RR305 - Health and well-being in the offshore environment[17]
- RR306 - Investigating practices in communication and information exchange amongst CDM duty-holders[18]
- RR307 - Use and operation of daughter craft in the UKCS[19]
- RR308 - Ethnicity, work characteristics, stress and health[20]
- RR309 - International review of the literature relating to the benefits of limbering up exercises at work[21]
- RR310 - Managing health at work - recording and monitoring information on sickness absence including work relatedness[22]
- RR311 - An occupational hygiene assessment of the use and control of isocyanates in the UK[23]
- RR312 - Benchmarking employee supervisory processes in the chemical industry[24]
- RR314 - Evaluation of manual handling tasks involving the use of carry chairs by UK ambulance personnel[25]
- RR315 - Measuring the effectiveness of competency - based education and training programmes in changing the manual handling behaviour of healthcare staff[26]
- RR316 - Musculo-skeletal disorders, mental health and the work environment[27]
- RR317 - Evaluation of the risk education website for secondary-aged students[28]
- RR318 - Effect of shift schedule on offshore shiftworkers' circadian rhythms and health[29]
- RR319 - Safer foundations by design[30]
- RR320 - Elastomers for fluid containment in offshore oil and gas production: Guidelines and review[31]
- RR321 - Whole-body vibration on agricultural vehicles: evaluation of emission and estimated exposure levels[32]
- RR322 - Performance of organic vapour filters: Effects of discontinuous and multiple vapour exposures[33]
- RR323 - Obstacles to Recovery from Musculoskeletal Disorders in Industry[34]
- RR324 - Wave Slap Loading on FPSO Bows[35]
- RR325 - Cost effective structural monitoring - An acoustic method, phase II[36]
- RR326 - Cost effective structural monitoring[37]
- RR327 - Workplace transport problems date collecting and mining[38]
- RR328 - Acoustic monitoring of the hulls of Floating Production Storage and Offloading facilities (FPSOs) for corrosion and damage[39]
- RR330 - A co-ordinated approach to metocean activities on the UK continental shelf[40]
- RR331 - Generic review of Offshore Division research in structural integrity 2000[41]
- RR332 - A response to the CCA report "Making companies safe: What works?"[42]
- RR333 - An experimental investigation of bund wall overtopping and dynamic pressures on the bund wall following catastrophic failure of a storage vessel[43]
- RR334 - An evidence based evaluation of how best to secure compliance with health and safety law[44]
- RR335 Further Development of a corporate health and safety performance management index for use by business, investors, employees, the regulator and other stakeholders: validating the index[45]
- RR336 - Trojan horse construction site safety messages[46]
- RR337 - The effects of thermal environments on the risks associated with manual handling[47]
- RR338 - Measurement and analysis of magnetic fields from welding processes[48]
- RR339 - Promoting health and safety as a key goal of the Corporate Social Responsibility agenda[49]
- RR340 - Computer model for the design and validation of directed water deluge systems for the production of plant containing pressurised flammable materials against fire[50]
- RR341 - Breathing performance of 'Octopus' demand diving regulator systems[51]
- RR342 - Revision of body size criteria in standards - Protecting people who work at height[52]
- RR343 - Impact evaluation of the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 1999[53]
- RR344 - The effects of multiple member failure on the risk gross collapse over typical inspection intervals[54]
- RR345 - Investigation of a measurement technique to determine the apparent source for light emitting diodes[55]
- RR346 - Public protection consultation study[56]
- RR347 - Review of the role of response forecasting in decision-making for weather-sensitive offshore operations[57]
- RR348 - Report on UKCS DP shuttle tanker incidents 1998 - August 2004[58]
- RR349 - Accident statistics for Fixed Offshore Units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980 - 2003[59]
- RR351 - Evaluation of field and laboratory effectiveness of body coveralls[60]
- RR352 - Supply chain issues for offshore accidents in the Southern North Sea[61]
- RR353 - Accident statistics for Floating Offshore Units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980-2003[62]
- RR354 - Enhancing chemical risk control for reducing exposure in the workplace through advanced risk messaging techniques[63]
- RR355 - Evaluation of HSE's farm self assessment software[64]
- RR356 - New perspectives on falls from height – Identifying high profile areas for intervention[65]
- RR357 - Findings of an expert panel engaged to conduct a scoping study on survival design of floating production storage and offloading vessels against extreme metocean conditions[66]
- RR358 - HSE survey of first aid training organisations[67]
- RR359 - Level crossing: Summary of finding and key human factors issues[68]
- RR360 - Provision of public assurance that major hazards are properly controlled - HSE's role[69]
- RR361 - Development of an interactive toolkit for Safe Site as part of the workplace transport priority programme[70]
- RR362 - Farmers, Farm Workers and Work-Related Stress[71]
- RR363 - The role and effectiveness of safety representatives in influencing workplace health and safety[72]
- RR364 - Offshore sickbay consultations in relation to age, job factors, and self-reported health[73]
- RR365 - Development and validation of the HMRI safety culture inspection toolkit[74]
- RR366 - Making an impact on SME compliance behaviour: An evaluation of the effect of intervention upon compliance with Health and Safety legislation in small and medium sized enterprises[75]
- RR367 - A review of the safety culture and safety climate literature for the development of the safety culture inspection toolkit[76]
- RR368 - Evaluation of FOD's Topic Based Inspection Approach[77]
- RR369 - Research to improve guidance on separation distance for the multi-energy method (RIGOS)[78]
- RR370 - Baseline incidence of ill health in agriculture in Great Britain[79]
- RR371 - Improving the Performance in Stand-by Vessels (SBV) & other Rescue Craft use for Rescue and Recovery in support of the Oil and Gas Industry[80]
- RR372 - Derivation of Baseline Data for Incidence of Skin Disease amongst Printers[81]
- RR373 - Development of Statistical Approaches to the Handling and Analysing of Large Occupational Data Sets[82]
- RR374 - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Legislation, Technology and Working Methods for Reducing Occupational Exposure in the Foundry Industry[83]
- RR375 - Evaluation of the Slips and Trips Roadshow Seminars for Government Departments and the Insurance Industry[84]
- RR376 - Health and well-being in the environment[85]
- RR377 - Evaluation of whole-body vibration exposures in British industry[86]
- RR378 - Containment of GM plant viruses being developed as gene technology vectors[87]
- RR379 - A staged approach to reducing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace[88]
- RR380 - Effective management of upper limb disorders by general practitioners and trainee occupational physicians[89]
- RR381 - Constructing Better Health[90]
- RR382 - Identifying human factors associated with slip and trip accidents[91]
- RR384 - Feasibility study into the establishment of a retrospective cohort study of workers in the British semiconductor industry[92]
- RR386 - Trends and context to rates of workplace injury[93]
- RR387 - Stability[94] (This RR adds to the information at OTO 049/2001)
- RR388 - The Public Provision of Health and Safety Information by UK Top Companies and Major Public Bodies for 2004/2005[95]
- RR389 - Attitudes, opinions and experiences of attendees at the ISMAUK stress workshops 2004[96]
- RR390 - Further investigation of possible musculoskeletal and cognitive deficit due to welding in divers identified in the ELTHI diving study[97]
- RR391 - Evaluation of the HELA Training Co-ordination portal's ability to support communication and knowledge sharing between LA and HSE safety enforcement teams[98]
- RR392 - Wave mapping in UK waters[99]
- RR393 - Development of a SME version of the corporate health and safety performance index[100]
- RR394 - Development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure the central nervous system response to chronic back pain[101]
- RR395 - Ten year follow-up study of MR imaging of the lumbar spine[102]
- RR396 - Research into the behavioural aspects of slips and trip accidents and incidents[103]
- RR397 - An evaluation of current legislative requirements for verification of elements critical to the safety of offshore installations[104]
- RR398 - Review of key human factors involved in workplace transport accidents[105]
- RR399 - Improved early pain management for musculoskeletal disorders[106]
- RR400 - Whole-body vibration on construction, mining and quarrying machines[107]
- RR402 - Natural ventilation of offshore modules[108]