RR357 - Findings of an expert panel engaged to conduct a scoping study on survival design of floating production storage and offloading vessels against extreme metocean conditions
In recent years there have been several well-publicised occurrences of extreme waves and storm conditions that have caused severe damage to and loss of passenger ships and trading vessels. Consequently, the question arises: "Might current or planned FPSOs in UK waters be similarly vulnerable, with the attendant risks for loss of life or pollution?"
To address this question, the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) engaged PAFA Consulting Engineers to help identify a number of suitable experts and to facilitate discussions:
"to provide an informed view from a respected panel of relevant stakeholders of the future work that would need to be undertaken to determine the characteristics of extreme sea states / waves, the likely consequences for an FPSO subjected to such an environment and whether a satisfactory rationale for survival design currently exists or needs to be developed".
Visit the RR357 report (PDF) [12]
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