RR389 - Attitudes, opinions and experiences of attendees at the ISMAUK stress workshops 2004
This report summarises the results of telephone research undertaken on behalf of the Health & Safety Executive between 10 June and 24 June 2005, involving attendees at workshops organised by the International Stress Management Association UK during November and December 2004 to introduce HSE's new Management Standards for work-related stress.
The research examined key aspects of the attendees' opinions and experiences including:
- their understanding of the current legal position in relation to workplace stress;
- their understanding of the Management Standards process, risk factors etc;
- the relevance and helpfulness of the Management Standards process, and their organisation's adoption (or planned adoption) of it;
- their perceptions regarding potential barriers to the adoption of the Management Standards within their organisation;
- other stress-related initiatives being implemented, or planned to be implemented, by their organisation;
- perceived actions that HSE could undertake to assist with the adoption of the Management Standards process.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
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