It's in your hands
Joint HSE/BSIF initiative to promote improved skin care in industrial and commercial organisations within at-risk sectors, such as hairdressing, catering, construction (particularly bricklayers and floor and wall tilers), cleaning and healthcare.
Free leaflets
A range of free leaflets providing advice and guidance.
- Preventing contact dermatitis and urticaria at work[61]
- Keep your top on: Health risks from working in the sun (PDF) [62]
- Controlling health risks from the use of UV tanning equipment (PDF) [63]
Priced publications
- Managing skin exposure risks at work[64]
- "Controlling skin exposure to chemicals and wet work" ISBN 978-1-906674-00-7. A practical book produced by HSE (crown copyright) and published by the BOHS (a registered charity- No 801417) to support the "Its in your hands" campaign.
Further Reading
Control of substances hazardous to health. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended). Approved Code of Practice and guidance[65] L5 (Sixth edition) HSE Books 2002
Control tools
COSHH Essentials website[66]
COSHH Essentials provides good practice control approaches for a variety of tasks undertaken in a number of industrial sectors.