Restrictions under REACH

Restriction is a measure for protecting human health and/or the environment from risks posed by chemicals on their own, in mixtures or in articles. REACH restrictions limit, ban or set conditions on the manufacture, placing on the market or use of a substance or group of substances.

List of restrictions (.xlsx) [34]

The registry of restriction intentions until outcome lists the substances for which a restriction dossier is planned, is underway or has been published.

Registry of restriction intentions (.xlsx) [35]

Link URLs in this page

  2. REACH Basics
  3. UK REACH explained
  4. Submit dossiers
  5. Roles and responsibilities
  6. Fees and charges
  7. Reporting a concern
  8. Authorisation overview
  9. Authorisation list
  10. Applying for a UK REACH Authorisation
  11. Grandfathering EU authorisations
  12. Awaiting ECHA opinion on authorisation
  13. Awaiting EU application authorisation
  14. SVHCs
  15. EU REACH authorisations downstream users
  16. Evaluation
  17. Registration overview
  18. New registration
  19. Grandfathering EU registrations
  20. Downstream user notification
  21. DUIN Template
  22. Lead registrants in UK REACH
  23. Research and Development (PPORD) overview
  24. Research and Development (PPORD) exemption
  25. Northern Ireland Notification (NIP-NOTS)
  26. Restrictions
  27. Reports and plans
  28. Resources overview
  29. UK chemicals helpline
  30. Get involved in UK REACH
  31. Glossary
  32. EU REACH links
  33. Independent scientific advice
  34. List of restrictions
  35. Registry of restriction intentions

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Updated 2021-08-10