EU REACH links

Complying with EU REACH

If your company is supplying and purchasing substances, mixtures or articles to and from the EU/EEA/NI and Great Britain, you should consider the requirements under both REACH and UK REACH, in order to maintain or gain access to both markets.

If you need information and guidance about complying with EU REACH please visit the ECHA website.

ECHA Technical Guidance

Much of the technical and practical ECHA guidance available for EU-REACH on the ECHA website is also relevant for UK REACH because the UK REACH regulations are closely aligned with EU REACH and are based on same principles and standards. You will need to apply some interpretation when reading this guidance. For example, where you see 'ECHA', read ‹UK Agency'; where you see 'EU'', read 'UK'.

ECHA Manuals

ECHA's manuals with step-by-step instructions for completing the different IUCLID dossiers are still applicable for UK REACH and will help you to prepare your dossier for submitting to the UK's REACH IT system, (Comply with UK REACH)

EU REACH Manuals

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Updated 2022-03-30