HSE and major accident hazard (MAH) pipelines
We regulate health, safety and integrity issues for all natural gas and other applicable pipelines in Great Britain, in territorial waters and the UK continental shelf. This site concentrates on MAH pipelines.
Who we are
Responsibility for enforcing health and safety law for onshore and offshore MAH pipelines forms part of the role of the Specialised Industries Gas and Pipelines Unit in HSE's Energy Division.
The unit and its pipeline inspectors achieve regulation and compliance through the enforcement of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the specific legislation listed below and other relevant health and safety regulations
Sector Performance
Regulations on legislation.gov.uk
- Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996 PSR[8]
- Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 GSMR[9]
- The Gas Safety (Management) (Amendment) Regulations 2023[10]
- Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 PSSR[11]
- Offshore Installations (Offshore Safety Directive) (Safety Cases etc.) Regulations 2015[12]
- Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015[13] (COMAH)
- Control of Major Accident Hazards (Amendment) Regulations 2015[14]
HSE Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance
- A guide to the Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996[15]
- A guide to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 (as amended)[16]
- A guide to Regulation 13A of the Pipeline Safety Regulations 1996 (PDF) [17]
- Avoiding damage to underground services[18]
- Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations 2015 Guidance on Regulations L111[19]
Further guidance
- Guidance on anchor hazards for pipeline operators (PDF) [20]
- Guidance on conveying CO2 in connection with carbon capture, storage and sequestration projects[21]
- Additional guidance on what pipeline 'operator' means[22]
- Decision-making on assessment of high pressure gas transmission pipelines (PDF) [23]
- Additional guidance on the reporting of pipeline incidents under RIDDOR[24]
- Advice on requirements for notifying and reporting gas incidents under RIDDOR and GSMR [25]
- PSR and pipeline pressure limits[26]
- The application of COMAH and PSR to the storage of natural gas at depleted reservoir and salt cavity [27]
- Pipeline riser emergency shut down valves: inspection issues and recommendations[28]
- Hydrocarbon risers in Caissons, I Tubes and J Tubes: inspection issues and recommendations[29]
- Unbonded flexible pipe: inspection issues and recommendations[30]
- Offshore Pipeline Integrity Management - Operational Guidance for Inspectors (PDF) [31]
- Onshore Pipeline Integrity Management - Operational Guidance for Inspectors [32]
- Gas Pipelines: Inspecting Safe Control of Operations on Live Distribution Mains and Services (PDF) [33]
- Arrangements for Prioritising Major Hazard Interventions in the onshore Gas and Pipelines sector (PDF) [34]
Use of pipeline standards and good practice guidance[35]