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Pipelines: useful links

Related HSE links

External links

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Link URLs in this page

  1. Pipelines
  2. HSE and pipelines
  3. Information
  4. Notification
  5. FAQs
  6. Useful links
  7. Gas supply website
  8. Offshore oil and gas website
  9. Carbon capture and Storage website
  10. UKOPA
  11. : United Kingdom Onshore Pipeline Operators' Association
  12. Oil & Gas UK
  13. Linesearch
  14. : Provides a single point of contact for all initial enquiries relating to the apparatus owned and/or operated by a number of Pipeline Operators
  15. Linewatch: promotes greater awareness of buried oil/gas pipelines and the safety precautions that are required when working near to them, therefore protecting personnel and the environment.
  16. DECC Oil and Gas: Department of Energy and Climate Change
  17. Environment Agency
  18. SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
  19. MAgiC
  20. : The first web-based interactive map to bring together geographic information on key environmental schemes and designations in one place
  21. IGEM:
  22. Gas supply website
  23. Iron mains risk reduction
  24. Offshore oil and gas website
  25. Carbon capture and Storage website
  26. LPG pipework survey
  27. Regulating major hazards
  28. Update on the review of the Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996 (PSR)

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Updated 2022-03-14