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Link URLs in this page

  1. Pipelines
  2. HSE and pipelines
  3. Information
  4. Notification
  5. FAQs
  6. Useful links
  7. Iron mains risk reduction
  8. GB major accident hazard pipeline 'Dial before you dig' information
  9. National Grid's 'Dial before you dig' information page for natural gas pipelines
  10. Third party damage (external interference) to MAH pipelines - UKOPA article for 'Utility Week' 2005
  11. Case study of a MAH pipeline near-miss incident in GB in 2007
  12. Linewatch's guide to typical pipeline markers
  13. Flexible pipe and risers
  14. Gas supply website
  15. Iron mains risk reduction
  16. Offshore oil and gas website
  17. Carbon capture and Storage website
  18. LPG pipework survey
  19. Regulating major hazards
  20. Update on the review of the Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996 (PSR)

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Updated 2023-03-24