
HSE publications

Free information relating to health and safety in the warehousing and logistics sector:

  • Are you making the best use and lifting handling aids (PDF) [20] - This guidance is intended for managers, employees and their representatives and others involved in the selection of lifting and handling aids.
  • Driving at work – Managing work related road safety - Related road safety has been produced in partnership with the Department for Transport and alerts employers and the self-employed to the fact that their responsibilities under current health and safety law extend to driving at work. It contains generic advice on managing work-related road safety effectively and on integrating it into existing health and safety arrangements.
  • Health and safety in road haulage (PDF) [21] - The information in this leaflet is one step towards helping all employers in road haulage and distribution, especially those running small and medium-sized businesses, do a better job of ensuring their employees' health and safety.
  • Managing shift work: health and safety guidance[22] - outlines employers' legal duties to assess known and associated risks. This guide seeks to improve the understanding of shift work and its potential health and safety impact.
  • Manual Handling Assessment Chart (MAC)[23] - The Manual Handling Assessment Charts (MAC) is a new tool designed to help health and safety inspectors assess the most common risk factors in lifting (and lowering), carrying and team handling operations. Employers, safety officers, safety representatives and others may also find the MAC useful to identify high risk manual handling operations and help them complete their risk assessments.
  • Moving food and drink: Manual handling solutions for the food and drink industries[24] - Guidance offers simple and cost-effective ways of reducing either sudden or prolonged damage. Provides 100 'real-life' cases studies, each with successful solutions, for consideration. Specific subjects under examination include handling of raw materials, packing into containers, stacking or moving containers and offsite delivery.
  • Rider Operated Fork Lift Trucks[25] - Approved Code of Practice and guidance: The document is in two parts. The first (the Code) advises on the basics and covers issues such as training structure, content, facilities and matters of legislation. The second (the guidance) provides the supplementary advice on training specifics and familiarisation issues.
  • Safety in the storage and handling of steel and other metal stock[26] - Practical advice is provided  to help manage risks and create a safer working environment. Addressed to all involved in stockholding, stock haulage, stock producing, stock use or anyone involved in training staff in such operations.
  • Warehousing and storage[27] - A guide to health and safety: Many special attention topics, such as manual handling, musculoskeletal awareness, mechanical handling, site transport and working at height plus more, are covered in detail but the broader emphasis is on responsible warehouse practices, general prevention of avoidable risks and hazards and attendant information of accident and emergency procedures.
  • Working Platforms (non-integrated) on forklift trucks[28] - The guidance given in Part 1 is intended to help non-integrated working platform suppliers, hirers and users meet their legal duties. A summary of the relevant legal requirements and how they apply to the supply and use of non-integrated working platforms is given in Part 2.
  • Workplace transport safety – An overview [29] - This guidance has been produced to help people involved in transport in the workplace reduce the chances of accidents happening. It is aimed at both managers and operators and identifies some of the safety problems for common vehicle operations.

Department for Transport publications

Department for Transport Code of Practice: Safety of Loads on Vehicles (PDF) [30] - This Code of Practice is not restricted only to the load being carried by the vehicle; it also covers any equipment on the vehicle such as loader cranes, landing legs, tailgates etc. All of these must be stowed and secured to manufacturer instructions so not to be a danger to other road users and pedestrians.

Institute of Road Traffic Engineers (IRTE) tail-lift guidance

The Institute of Road Traffic Engineers (IRTE)[31] have published new advice on reducing injuries caused by falls, such as the available options for side guardrails, and advice about slip resistance of tail lift surfaces.

OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health At Work

Other external publications

Food industry roll cage information sheet (FIS33) - Roll cages and wheeled racks are in common use in the food and drink industries and are used during manufacture, storage and distribution. The movement and loading of these pieces of equipment results in many injuries, mainly related to manual handling. This guidance sets out advice on good design and best practice and will be useful to managers, purchasers and those carrying out risk assessments.

Roll cages and wheeled racks in the food and drink industries - reducing manual handling injuries: Roll cages and wheeled racks are in common use in the food and drink industries and are used during manufacture, storage and distribution. The movement and loading of these pieces of equipment results in many injuries, mainly related to manual handling. This guidance sets out advice on good design and best practice and will be useful to managers, purchasers and those carrying out risk assessments.

'Safety in design - eliminating manual handling in the road transport industry' - Produced by the Victorian Workcover Authority, the booklet is a good source of information and advice on identifying the potential risks to transport workers.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Logistics
  2. Overview - Haulage and distribution
  3. Lorries in the workplace
  4. Falls from vehicles
  5. Load security
  6. Car transporters
  7. Overview
  8. Icy conditions and winter weather
  9. Overview - Warehousing
  10. Manual handling
  11. Hit by a moving vehicle
  12. Frequently asked questions
  13. Overview - Resources
  14. Case studies
  15. Publications
  16. Research
  17. Statistics
  18. Useful links
  19. Contact us
  20. Are you making the best use and lifting handling aids
  21. Health and safety in road haulage
  22. Managing shift work: health and safety guidance
  23. Manual Handling Assessment Chart (MAC)
  24. Moving food and drink: Manual handling solutions for the food and drink industries
  25. Rider Operated Fork Lift Trucks
  26. Safety in the storage and handling of steel and other metal stock
  27. Warehousing and storage
  28. Working Platforms (non-integrated) on forklift trucks
  29. Workplace transport safety – An overview
  30. Department for Transport Code of Practice: Safety of Loads on Vehicles
  31. The Institute of Road Traffic Engineers (IRTE)
  32. Fact Sheet 98 Managing risk to drivers
  33. Fact Sheet 97 Delivering the message - campaigning on OSH in the road transport sector
  34. Managing risks to drivers in road transport

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