Logistic - Manual handling
Lifting and moving by hand is the main cause of reportable accidents in the 'freight by road' industry. There were 278 major and 3639 over-3-day injuries reported in 2006/07 work year. Bad backs were the most common injury.
Measures to reduce risks;
- Use the free HSE Manual Handling Assessment Chart (MAC) [20], to identify the tasks which present the greatest risk.
- Ask employees about what they consider to be the most hazardous lifting and moving jobs.
- Consider whether high hazard manual lifting and moving jobs can be avoided, for example by palletising heavy or bulky products.
- Consider whether a load can be changed to make it easier to carry, for example, smaller packages, providing handles or hand-holds.
- Consider the use of mechanical aids, such as vehicle mounted hydraulic hoists, portable roller conveyors, pallet trucks, scissor lifts and customised trolleys. These can save a lot of time and money, as well as saving backs.
- Roll cages are commonly involved in manual handling injuries. Ensure roll cages are sensibly loaded, properly secured in the vehicle and that pavement access at the delivery end is relatively level and free from potholes and obstructions.
Further information
- Are you making the best use and lifting handling aids
[21]- Practical guidance on how to make lifting and handling tasks easier.
- HSE / HSL research report (RR009) (PDF) [22] - Guidance on the safe use of roll cages.
- Food industry roll cage information sheet (FIS33) - Guidance on the safe use of roll cages.
- Research on furniture distribution (PDF) [23]- Useful for many other types of distribution.
- 'Safety in design - eliminating manual handling in the road transport industry' - Worksafe of Australia has produced further free guidance.