Case 7: Groin injury (hernia) while moving heavy machinery
A 50-year old factory worker sustained a groin injury while moving heavy machinery. He visited his GP who diagnosed a left inguinal hernia. The injured employee was unable to remain at work until a surgeon saw him and the hernia surgically repaired. The local NHS waiting time for his referral and procedure was over 12 months.
The employer referred the case to the OHA who arranged a private referral to a surgeon. As a result the operation was successfully performed just 2 months after the accident and the employee returned to full duties at work 2 months later.
Cost of treatment and savings
By reducing the time off work from 14 months to 4 months, the intervention resulted in a massive £13,700 cost saving (saving on sick pay of £14,400 less the treatment costs of £1,700).
Additionally the employee received treatment 10 months earlier than the NHS could have provided it, and the employer saved on the considerable hidden costs they would have incurred during that period.
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