Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) mainly comprise:

  • work related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) from repetitive tasks 
  • back injuries from repetitive or awkward lifting.

WRULDs are chronic (persistent) injuries such as tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel syndrome and result from repetitive tasks such as on production lines. WRULDs account for around 23% of cases of occupational ill health in food and drink manufacture.

Chronic back pain can result from repetitive or awkward lifting (e.g. on packing lines, production lines) and account for around 35% of cases of occupational ill health in food and drink manufacture.

Main causes of musculoskeletal injury

In the food and drink industries, most musculoskeletal injuries arise from just 5 causes:

  • cutting, boning, jointing, trussing and evisceration (such as meat and poultry)
  • packing products (such as cheese, confectionery and biscuits)
  • stacking/unstacking containers (such as boxes, crates and sacks)
  • handling drinks containers (such as delivery of casks, kegs and crates)
  • pushing wheeled racks (such as oven racks and trolleys of produce)

These are key tasks to which attention should be paid when carrying out risk assessments.

How do we know if we have a problem?

Injury and health problems show up in different ways, such as:

  • cases of injury to backs and limbs
  • aches and pains
  • poor product quality
  • high material waste
  • low output
  • frequent worker complaints and rest stops
  • do-it-yourself improvements to work stations and tools (e.g. seat padding)
  • workers wearing bandages, splints, rub-ons, copper bracelets or magnets.

If you have a problem it will be costing money from sickness absence, high staff turnover, retraining, loss of production etc.. 

Managing the risk

  • Identify which tasks present a serious risk of chronic injury (e.g. from repetitive upper body work or frequent bending)
  • Assess these tasks in detail to decide what factors lead to the risk
  • Introduce mechanisation where this is reasonably practicable, e.g. automation, bulk handling, vacuum lifters 
  • Where mechanisation is not possible, introduce measures to prevent injury, e.g. improved ergonomic design of work stations and work areas, job rotation, training, medical surveillance, job transfer
  • Consult fully with trade union safety representatives or other employee representatives and workers to ensure effective and workable solutions to problems.

Further guidance

HSG196 - Moving food and drink - Manual handling solutions for the food and drink industries [38](100 case studies) 

Link URLs in this page

  1. Food & drink manufacture
  2. Common risks - in food and drink manufacturing industries
  3. Meat, poultry and fish
  4. Milling, animal feeds
  5. Bakery products
  6. Dairy products
  7. Fruit and vegetables
  8. Alcoholic and soft drinks
  9. Chilled and frozen products
  10. Supply chain
  11. Safety risks overview
  12. Manual handling
  13. Slips on wet or contaminated floors
  14. Falls from height
  15. Workplace transport
  16. Struck by something
  17. Overview - Food processing machinery
  18. European CEN 'C' Standards for food processing machines
  19. Packaging machinery
  20. Overview - Prevention of dust explosions
  21. Selection and use of vacuum cleaners
  22. Explosion relief for small bins and silos
  23. Overview - Occupational health topics
  24. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
  25. Dermatitis
  26. Noise induced hearing loss
  27. Overview
  28. Low dust flour
  29. Exposure to disinfectants
  30. Work-related stress
  31. Overview - Occupational rehabilitation
  32. OH Case studies
  33. Overview - Resources
  34. Case studies
  35. Useful links
  36. Food and Drink Manufacture Health and Safety Forum
  37. Topics of interest
  38. HSG196 - Moving food and drink - Manual handling solutions for the food and drink industries
  39. Moving food and drink: Manual handling solutions for the food and drink industries
  40. Assessment of Repetitive Tasks (ART) tool
  41. Case studies
  42. Musculoskeletal disorders
  43. Upper limb disorders
  44. Back pain

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Updated 2023-06-15