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Case 3: Knee injury following 7.7m fall from height through trap door


A leading food producer in the UK and Ireland, with 19 operating sites across the UK and Ireland specialising in chilled, bakery and frozen food production, with a workforce of 11,500 people.


Accident occurred to 55 year old male employee in June 2006. The worker fell 7.7m through a trap door sustaining multiple injuries, he was taken to hospital by ambulance for treatment but was not admitted.


OHA was notified in June 2006. The injured worker was complaining of back, knee and ankle pains and was referred to physiotherapy following advice from his GP. An initial assessment took place in August 2006 immediately followed by a one-month course of physiotherapy which highlighted the left knee was slow to respond and required further investigation.

OHA arranged for a private orthopaedic consultation in September 2006.  A medial meniscal tear was suspected and an MRI scan arranged which confirmed a small tear of the lateral meniscus and a Grade I injury to the medial collateral ligament and some degenerative changes of the patella. No surgery was indicated, instead further physiotherapy was suggested and arranged.  The employee returned to his normal job at work after 12 weeks.

Cost of treatment and savings

£1226 for physiotherapy, orthopaedic consultation, follow up and MRI scan.

Return to work occurred up to 14 months earlier than if the OHA had not been involved (up to 4 months in relation to orthopaedic consultation, 6-8 months in relation to the MRI scan and up to 2 months by arranging physiotherapy on a private basis).  No claim against the company was intimated.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Food & drink manufacture
  2. Common risks - in food and drink manufacturing industries
  3. Meat, poultry and fish
  4. Milling, animal feeds
  5. Bakery products
  6. Dairy products
  7. Fruit and vegetables
  8. Alcoholic and soft drinks
  9. Chilled and frozen products
  10. Supply chain
  11. Safety risks overview
  12. Manual handling
  13. Slips on wet or contaminated floors
  14. Falls from height
  15. Workplace transport
  16. Struck by something
  17. Overview - Food processing machinery
  18. European CEN 'C' Standards for food processing machines
  19. Packaging machinery
  20. Overview - Prevention of dust explosions
  21. Selection and use of vacuum cleaners
  22. Explosion relief for small bins and silos
  23. Overview - Occupational health topics
  24. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
  25. Dermatitis
  26. Noise induced hearing loss
  27. Overview
  28. Low dust flour
  29. Exposure to disinfectants
  30. Work-related stress
  31. Overview - Occupational rehabilitation
  32. OH Case studies
  33. Overview - Resources
  34. Case studies
  35. Useful links
  36. Food and Drink Manufacture Health and Safety Forum
  37. Topics of interest
  38. Case studies menu
  39. Previous case study
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  41. A recipe for safety: Occupational health and safety in food and drink manufacture
  42. Moving food and drink: Manual handling solutions for the food and drink industries
  43. Case studies
  44. Food Standards Agency
  45. Slips and trips
  46. Falls
  47. Musculoskeletal disorders
  48. Workplace transport microsite
  49. Equipment at work
  50. Back pain
  51. Pushing and pulling
  52. MAC tool
  53. Food and Drink Manufacturing Forum
  54. Federation of Bakers (FoB)
  55. Craft Bakers Association
  56. British Meat Processors Association (BMPA)
  57. Dairy UK
  58. Chilled Foods Association (CFA)
  59. British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF)
  60. Food Standards Agency
  61. IOSH Food and Drink Group

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Updated 2023-06-15