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  1. Operational guidance
  2. OCs home
  3. 001-099
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  11. 800-899
  12. OC 801/2 Supplement 1 - Sport parachuting - Liaison between HSE inspectors and the civil aviation authority (CAA)
  13. OC 803/69 - Application of the provision and use of work equipment regulations 1998 and the lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1998 to motor vehicle repair
  14. OC 803/71 - Guidance on the application of the dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres regulations (DSEAR) 2002 to motor vehicle repair (MVR)
  15. OC 847/4 - Water boreholes
  16. OC 847/10 - Reservoirs and HSW ACT: Inspection policy

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Updated 2022-11-08