Operational Circulars 100-199
- OC 130/8 - Prosecuting individuals
- OC 130/1 - Enforcement Management Model (EMM) Application to Ionising Radiations
- OC 130/14 - Improvement and prohibition notices – effective drafting and service
- OC 165/10 - Work-related deaths: liaison with police, prosecuting authorities, local authorities, and other interested authorities including consideration of individual and corporate manslaughter / homicide
- OC 167/11 - Public registers and databases available to the public in connection with the contained use of genetically modified organisms
- OC 168/9 - Assuring the independence of prosecution decisions
- OC 168/11 - Conduct of criminal casework - Independent legal oversight - Referral of cases to Legal Adviser's Office
- OC 168/14 - Notification of prosecution cases