Water boreholes - Potential hazard from methane evolution

OC 847/4


1 This OC replaces both HSEM 1984/52, FIM 1984/132 and AIC 1986/96. It informs inspectors of the problems which can arise from the evolution of methane and its presence in ground waters. The attached information document is a summary of HSE's opinion on the above subject and copies may be given to interested parties outside HSE.


2 Research on the analysis and sampling of ground water has been carried out for HSE by the Water Research Centre. The results of this work are to be published through the HSE contract research series, available through the HSE enquiry point. In addition, the information document contains advice which inspectors can use to advise the owners of boreholes.

Cancellation of instructions

3 AIC 1986/96 - cancel and destroy .

31 July 1990
Disc No:FOD1C/Editors/J101/7.90/GK

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Updated 2020-12-14