Reporting to the Procurator Fiscal

This section shows you how to prepare corroborated evidence for the prosecution report required by Scottish law.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Enforcement home
  2. Enforcement guide (Scotland) home
  3. Role of CO & PF Service
  4. Overview - Collecting witness evidence
  5. Collecting witness evidence - Introduction
  6. Order of collecting evidence
  7. Witness statements
  8. Overview - Collecting physical evidence
  9. Collecting physical evidence - Introduction
  10. Evidence which may assist your investigation
  11. Evidence using s20 powers
  12. Preparing evidence for use in court
  13. Overview - Expert evidence
  14. The expert
  15. Site visits
  16. The report
  17. Expert evidence - At court
  18. Status of workers
  19. Overview - Identifying the accused
  20. Identifying the accused - Introduction
  21. Companies
  22. Partnerships
  23. Other offenders
  24. Foreign offenders
  25. Insolvency
  26. Prosecution of individuals
  27. Proceeding against employees
  28. Proceeding against Crown employees
  29. Proceeding against directors, etc
  30. Overview - Reporting to the Procurator Fiscal
  31. Reporting process
  32. Form of report to Procurator Fiscal
  33. Drafting complaints
  34. Disclosure in criminal proceedings
  35. Criminal courts
  36. At court
  37. Penalties
  38. Appeals
  39. Fatal accident inquiries (FAIs)
  40. Publicity
  41. Overview - Civil proceedings
  42. General
  43. Background
  44. Factual statements
  45. Disclosure of documents and productions
  46. Precognitions
  47. Inspectors as witnesses
  48. Improvement and prohibition notices
  49. Employment tribunals
  50. Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (FEPA)
  51. Sitemap
  52. Reporting process
  53. Form of report to Procurator Fiscal
  54. Drafting complaints

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Updated 2009-12-05