COMAH Safety reports

Regulation 7 of the COMAH Regulations requires operators of top-tier establishments to submit a safety report to demonstrate that they have taken all measures necessary to prevent major accidents and to limit the consequences to people and the environment of any that do occur.

Sections 8 to 15 of the Safety Report Assessment Manual (SRAM)[11] provide the technical criteria and supporting guidance to be used by the CA assessors to form judgements about the completeness of the Safety Report.

The SRAM (PDF) [12] states that the CA's approach to assessment is that it be:

  • consistent
  • proportionate
  • targeted
  • transparent
  • based on prima facie evidence.

Demonstration requires a combination of summary description, links to international, European and national standards, links to appropriate internal management systems and prima facie evidence (evidence that, in the absence of contradictory evidence, supports a demonstration). For the purpose of E, C&I assessment, prima facie evidence simply consists of samples of the documentation that is produced when establishments are designed, constructed, operated and maintained following relevant good practice, or equivalent, for example:

  • Fault level study (magnitude and duration) for a typical HV and a typical LV switchboard
  • Functional Safety Assessment Record
  • Record of authorisation for person(s) authorised to operate electrical LV, HV and generation systems.
  • Periodic Ex inspection records

or equivalent documentation.

Technical Standards and Guidance

Safety Report Assessment Manual (SRAM) Section 8-15[13]


Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations[14]

HSE Guidance

Link URLs in this page

  1. EC&I
  2. Overview - About EC&I
  3. Functional safety
  4. Explosive atmospheres
  5. Electrical power systems
  6. COMAH Safety reports
  7. Cyber security
  8. Incidents
  9. Resources
  10. Links
  11. Safety Report Assessment Manual (SRAM)
  12. SRAM
  13. Safety Report Assessment Manual (SRAM) Section 8-15
  14. Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations
  15. COMAH Safety Report Assessment Manual
  16. COMAH - Safety Reports – Assessment Guides and additional information
  17. Discipline guidance - Control & Instrumentation
  18. E,C&I Operational Delivery Guide
  19. Safety Report Assessment Manual (SRAM) Guide
  20. Links
  21. COMAH
  22. Chemicals
  23. DSEAR
  24. ATEX
  25. Electricity
  26. Human factors
  27. Machinery
  28. Explosives
  29. Biosafety and microbiological containment

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Updated: 2021-08-26