Explosive atmospheres
The topic of Explosive Atmospheres is concerned with the management, design, installation, operation and maintenance of systems that reduce the risk of electrical ignition sources arising from:
- fixed electrical installations;
- moveable electrical equipment;
- lightning in relation to structures with a risk of explosion;
- electrostatic hazards;
- radio frequency radiation;
- isolating joints, for example in cathodic protection systems;
and the mitigation of releases using:
- flammable and toxic gas detection;
- fire detection.
The key benchmark technical standards relating to these sub-topics are listed in the EC&I Operational Delivery Guide.
The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) require employers to put control measures in place to either remove fire and explosion risks or, where this is not possible, control them. Where explosion risks cannot be removed, electrical sources of ignition should be managed by:
Design of equipment and structures, for example by:
- the selection of explosion protected (Ex) equipment and/or systems (see pages on ATEX and explosive atmospheres[11]);
- avoiding hazards due to static electricity by bonding all conductors together and to earth;
- installing lightning protection systems appropriate to the construction and contents of structures;
- detuning structures capable of acting as RF antennae in explosive atmospheres within the vulnerable zones of transmitters;
- application of a protective coating to cathodic protection isolating joints to prevent accidental contact.
Maintenance and inspection of equipment and structures, for example by:
- initial inspection before plant or equipment is brought into service;
- ongoing periodic inspection of explosion protected (Ex) equipment and/or systems (see pages on ATEX and explosive atmospheres[12])
- monitoring of static earthing;
- maintenance and inspection of lightning protection systems;
- periodic inspection of above ground isolating joints, for example in cathodic protection systems.
Technical Standards and Guidance
COMAH Competent Authority EC&I Operational Delivery Guide (PDF) [13]
- Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations[14]
- The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999[15]
- Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations[16]
Technical Standards
Refer to the COMAH Competent Authority EC&I Operational Delivery Guide (PDF) [17].
Industry Publications
- Energy Institute[18] Model Code of Safe Practice Part 1: The selection, installation, inspection, and maintenance of electrical and non electrical apparatus in hazardous areas
- Energy Institute[19] Guidelines for managing inspection of Ex electrical equipment ignition risk in support of IEC 60079-17
- Energy Institute[20] Model Code of Safe Practice Part 15: Area Classification Code for Installations Handling Flammable Fluids
- Energy Institute[21] Model Code of Safe Practice Part 21: Guidelines for the control of hazards arising from static electricity
- EEMUA Publication 186[22] A Practitioner's Handbook for potentially explosive atmospheres.
- CBI[23] Guidance for Electrical Installation and Equipment within Explosives Manufacturing and Storage Facilities Including Fireworks
HSE Guidance
- Safe use and handling of flammable liquids[24]
- The storage of flammable liquids in containers[25]
- The storage of flammable liquids in tanks[26]
- Using electric storage batteries safely (PDF) [27]
- Manufacture and storage of explosives[28]
- The selection and use of flammable gas detectors (PDF) [29]
- Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002. Approved Code of Practice and guidance[30]
HSE Operational Guidance
- OG45 Protection against inadvertent ignition of explosive atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation at onshore hazardous installations[31]
- OG44 Lightning protection at onshore hazardous installations[32]
Other information
- Related COMAH Competent Authority Operational Delivery Guides[33]
- Competence[34]
- Out of Control, Why Control Systems go wrong and how to prevent failure[35]