Competent Authority procedures and delivery guides

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The following guidance has been prepared by the COMAH competent authority (CA).

General guidance for COMAH establishment operators

These guides have been produced with Industry to provide general information for COMAH establishment operators.

CA internal guidance - COMAH safety report assessment

The following have been developed by the CA for internal use. and describe the arrangements for receiving, handling and assessing COMAH safety reports. Together they form what are known as the:

  • safety report assessment manual (SRAM),
  • safety report assessment guides (SRAGs) and
  • safety report assessment technical criteria.

The safety report content that CA assessors will look for has not changed but SRAM has been updated to reflect improvements in CA procedures and to bring together guidance that was previously contained elsewhere.

The content and format of the SRAM and SRAGs will be kept under review.

COMAH 2015 safety report assessment manual (SRAM)

The SRAM document is the COMAH Competent Authority's internally-targeted guidance on the assessment of COMAH safety reports. It describes the framework within which the CA undertakes the assessment of safety reports and the processes its staff should follow in assessing safety reports submitted to them by operators of upper-tier COMAH establishments, pursuant to regulations 9 and 10 of the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 (COMAH).

COMAH 1999 safety report assessment guides (SRAGs) [36]

Assessment and inspection

Strategic topic delivery guides

Mechanical Integrity Delivery Guide

Investigation and enforcement

Link URLs in this page

  1. COMAH
  2. Overview - Background
  3. Seveso III
  4. COMAH Regulations 2015
  5. Cost recovery in detail
  6. The COMAH Competent Authority
  7. Guidance
  8. Competent authority guidance and key internal CA procedures
  9. Notifications
  10. Submitting public information
  11. Establishments subject to COMAH 2015
  12. Emergency plan testing during coronavirus
  13. Resources
  14. Safety alerts
  15. Investigation reports
  16. Complete a short survey
  17. Understanding COMAH: A guide for new entrants
  18. ALARP - As low as reasonably practicable
  19. Understanding COMAH: What to expect from the Competent Authority - A guide for COMAH operators
  20. COMAH Intervention Managers – User Manual
  21. Understanding COMAH: The Performance and Recognition Framework
  22. Examples of operator activities in scope of the Performance and Recognition Framework
  23. Understanding COMAH: How Operators can challenge regulatory decisions made by the Competent Authority - A guide for COMAH Operators
  24. Guidance on the interpretation of major accident to the Environment for the purposes of the COMAH Regulations
  25. As low as reasonably practicable (ALARP)
  26. COMAH SRAM 2015 - Introduction and index
  27. COMAH SRAM 2015 - Descriptive criteria
  28. COMAH SRAM 2015 - Predictive criteria
  29. COMAH SRAM 2015 - MAPP - SMS criteria
  30. COMAH SRAM 2015 - Mechanical engineering criteria
  31. COMAH SRAM 2015 - Electrical control and instrumentation criteria
  32. COMAH SRAM 2015 - Process safety criteria
  33. COMAH SRAM 2015 - Humans factor criteria
  34. COMAH SRAM 2015 - Environmental criteria
  35. COMAH SRAM 2015 - Emergency response criteria
  36. COMAH 1999 safety report assessment guides (SRAGs)
  37. Safety report assessment guide: Chlorine
  38. Safety report assessment guide: Chemical Warehouses
  39. Safety report assessment guide: Explosives
  40. Safety report assessment guide: LPG
  41. Safety report assessment guide: HFL
  42. Safety report assessment guide: Methane Gas Bullets
  43. Safety report assessment guide: Methane Gas Holders
  44. Safety report assessment guide: Whisky Maturation Warehouses
  45. COMAH 1999 safety report assessment technical criteria
  46. SRAM criterion 5.1
  47. SRAM criterion 5.2
  48. SRAM criterion 5.2.1 Design
  49. SRAM criterion 5.2.2 Construction
  50. SRAM criterion 5.2.3 Operation
  51. SRAM criterion 5.2.4 Maintenance
  52. SRAM criterion 5.2.5 Modification
  53. Additional guidance for Control & Instrumentation specialists
  54. Additional guidance for Mechanical Engineering specialists
  55. Additional guidance on assessing predictive aspects for Explosives Sites
  56. Main failure modes – systems/unit operations
  57. Protective measures for main failure modes
  58. Key relevant technical standards documentation
  59. Key relevant case studies
  60. COMAH Competent Authority Inspection of COMAH Operator Internal Emergency Planning at Upper and Lower Tier Establishments (Operational Delivery Guide)
  61. Competent Authority Guidance for Inspectors on Emergency Arrangements for COMAH Establishments
  62. COMAH Competent Authority Guidance: 'All measures necessary' - Environmental aspects
  63. Electrical, Control and Instrumentation (EC & I) Operational Delivery Guide
  64. Classification of Inherent Hazard (Safety and Environment) for COMAH Establishments
  65. Major Hazard Leadership Delivery Guide
  66. Major Hazard Leadership Intervention Tool
  67. Inspection of COMAH Operator Flood Preparedness (Operational Delivery Guide)
  68. Inspecting Human Factors at COMAH Establishments (Operational Delivery Guide)
  69. Secondary/Tertiary Containment Delivery Guide
  70. Offsite Emergency Planning Delivery Guide
  71. HID KPI Delivery Guide
  72. PSLG Delivery Guide (Buncefield Follow up)
  73. Mechanical Integrity Delivery Guide
  74. Mechanical Integrity Intervention Tool
  75. Investigation procedure
  76. Enforcement Management Model (EMM): application to hazardous substances
  77. HSE Enforcement Management Model
  78. News
  79. Chemicals
  80. Nuclear
  81. Managing human factors
  82. Safety bulletins
  83. Seveso III Directive

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Control of major accident hazards
As Low As Reasonably Practicable

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