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Safety Report Assessment Guide: Chemical warehouses

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The purpose of HSE's assessment of a safety report against the criteria in the SRAM, is to come to a conclusion on whether the requirements and demonstrations in Schedule 4 Part 1 have been met. The extent of the information required for each demonstration to be made will depend on the level of proportionality considerations and the type of safety report required by COMAH Regs. 7 or 8. The different report types include: the initial report for existing establishments, pre-construction (PCSR), pre-operation (POSR), modification and updated reports.

The predictive criteria are designed to help the Assessor make consistent professional judgements about whether the demonstrations in a safety report are adequate. Such demonstrations need to be based on a suitable and sufficient risk assessment. The criteria are necessarily quite general, but sufficiently broad in nature to cover the various types of installation, the range of hazards to be encountered, and the types of risk assessment that might be employed.

The purpose of this document is to describe how Assessors should test whether the criteria that applies to the predictive aspects of COMAH safety reports have been met. It provides an interpretation of the criteria based on useful examples. The information supplements rather than supplants that in the safety report assessment manual.

The initial sections provide important background information, particularly on ALARP decisions and the application of the proportionality principle to the assessment of safety reports.

PM/Technical/09: HID - Safety report assessment guide: Chemical Warehouses (PDF) [17]

Link URLs in this page

  1. COMAH
  2. Overview - Background
  3. Seveso III
  4. COMAH Regulations 2015
  5. Cost recovery in detail
  6. The COMAH Competent Authority
  7. Guidance
  8. Competent authority guidance and key internal CA procedures
  9. Notifications
  10. Submitting public information
  11. Establishments subject to COMAH 2015
  12. Emergency plan testing during coronavirus
  13. Resources
  14. Safety alerts
  15. Investigation reports
  16. Complete a short survey
  17. PM/Technical/09: HID - Safety report assessment guide: Chemical Warehouses
  18. COMAH: Notification form
  19. A guide to the COMAH regulations 2015 (L111)
  20. Leadership for the major hazard industries
  21. Better alarm handling
  22. Chemicals
  23. Nuclear
  24. Managing human factors
  25. Safety bulletins
  26. Seveso III Directive

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Control of major accident hazards

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